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Azerbaijani and Turkish Americans against reopening of borders

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Baku. Rashad Suleymanov–APA. Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Union of Azerbaijani-Turkish Businessmen (ATIB) and Azerbaijani-Turkish American Foundation (ATAF) Ahmet Erentok addressed the US officials protesting against reopening of Turkey-Armenia borders, ATIB press service told APA.

He addressed President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator John Kerry and said that the opening of Turkey-Armenia borders outside of Azerbaijan’s position wouldn’t bring expected results. “In this case, relations of Azerbaijan with Turkey and the United States will be strained. The opening of borders will lead to the instability and complication of situation in the region”.

Erentok asked the US officials to be more sensitive in approaching of this issue.

Vice Chairman of ATIB Borad of Governors Cemal Yangin informed the World Turkish Business Forum in Istanbul on Friday about the ATIB’s position on the opening of Turkey-Armenia borders and spread the text of ATIB statement against the border opening among the forum participants.

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