Poor Richard’s Report

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NATO: Turkey Given Concessions Over Rasmussen
April 4, 2009Turkey accepted Denmark’s Anders Fogh Ramumssen’s appointment as NATO secretary-general after U.S. President Barack Obama promised that one of Rasmussen’s deputies would be a Turk, Reuters reported April 4. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Obama also guaranteed that Turkish commanders would be in the NATO command. Turkey was promised at least two NATO posts, including a deputy to the deputy secretary-general, and progress on two blocked chapters of its European Union accession agreement, The New York Times reported. Also, Rasmussen allegedly will publicly address the Muslim world’s concerns about his response to cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

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One response to “Poor Richard’s Report”

  1. Jean DuBoıs Avatar
    Jean DuBoıs

    RTE’s stunt was nothing but getting humiliated with one’s own money (kendi parasıyla rezil olmak), since Turkey does not need any concessions to appoint high ranking bureaucrats and commanders to NATO, it can and has many times before. RTE’s unplanned stunt was also a testimony to his insincerity towards the RojTV issue, since had he used the proper channels to oppose Mr Rasmussen’s in a timely manner before it was decided upon, he would have alienated the Kurds from whom he was hoping support in the local elections, which he didn’t receive anyway. It turns out that not everyone in Turkey is that gullible after all!
    On the original point of his opposition towards Mr Rasmussen’s candidature, he cited Mr Rasmussen’s refusal to impose censorship on the cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. What a joke! RTE wants another country, and a democratic one too, to impose censorship on its media for religious reasons. And yet, RTE did not even consider vetoing France’s re-admission to the military wing of NATO, who by the way opposes vehemently Turkey’s ascension to the EU. Giving away Turkey’s vetoing power for nothing, and making a fuss about Mr Rasmussen’s candidature out of nothing. This shows well where Mr Erdoğan’s loyalties lie, certainly not with the interests of Turkey, but with the Moslem world for which he became a volunteer mouthpiece at every opportunity that betrays Turkish interests.

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