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We are close to a solution of the Karabakh problem by the contributions of Turkey. Babacan flied directly to Baku by-passing Turkey after his meetings with Armenian President Serzh Sarkisyan and Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian in February during the Security Conference in Munich.

Babacan flied to Baku with his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mehmetyarov. Two minister evaluated the situation after meeting with Armenian officials again. Foreign Minister Ali Babacan informed Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev over meetings with Armenian administration officials in Munich.

The diplomacy traffic between Munich and Baku resulted with development in negotiation about returning of 6 occupied regions in Karabakh which mostly populated by Azerbaijanis back to Azerbaijan. These are the clauses that Azerbaijani and Armenian officials reached to agreement.

1) 6 surrounding region of Nagorno-Karabakh was populated mostly by Azerbaijani people before occupation. Azerbaijani people had to leave their homes after occupation. Armenia will return Fuzuli, Akdam, Cebrail, Kubatli, Zengilan rayons back to Azerbaijan by time.

2) Azerbaijani refugees will return to their homes.

3) A temporary administration will take over the management of Karabakh for determination of Status of Nagorno Karabakh. In return Azerbaijan will open state border to Armenia.

4) International peace forces will be settled to the border of Upper Karabakh and Armenia, Turkey and Russia will not be participate in this international force.

Statement of Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan saying, “Relations between Turkey and Armenia will be normalized very soon” may accelerate this process.

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