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ANC Australia Demands Senator Ferguson’s Apology

Armenian Genocide
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March 26, 2009

The Peak Public Affairs Committee of the Armenian-Australian Community
SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) has called on Senator Alan Ferguson (LIB South Australia) to apologise for labelling the Armenian and Pontian genocides “debatable” and stating they “cannot be accurately depicted” today.

Senator Ferguson’s speech on 18th of March was in reaction to a visit he received from the Turkish ambassador – whom he referred to as a “personal friend”. The ambassador revealed information about a recent address by South Australian Attorney General, the Hon. Michael Atkinson, where he addressed Turkey’s atrocious human rights record by referring to the genocides of the Ottoman Empire’s Christian minorities.

ANC Australia, who yesterday watched South Australia’s Legislative Council pass a motion recognising the Armenian Genocide, wrote to Senator Ferguson, stating:

“The full facts of the Armenian Genocide are undeniable. Any scholar denying that 1.5million of our ancestors were massacred, starved and death marched from their homes in 1915 is discredited by the ‘International Association of Genocide Scholars’.”

The letter also addressed recently uncovered history of Australia’s first ever humanitarian effort, which saw clothing, money and infrastructure donated to survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The letter continued:

“Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the great efforts of Australians to come to the aid of this oppressed people.”

And sighting Australian WWI POW accounts of the horrors being committed against Armenians and other Ottoman Christian minorities, it continued:

“Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the accounts of our Australian soldiers.”

ANC Australia Political Relations Officer, Mr. Vache Kahramanian said: “The Senator must realise that he has offended the Armenian-Australian community. We join the Greek and Assyrian communities and request he apologises and retracts his speech.”

Please click here and sign your name to a joint petition from the Armenian, Pontian and Assyrian communities demanding Senator Alan Ferguson’s apology.


ATT: Senator the Hon. Alan Ferguson
Commonwealth Parliament Offices
100 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000


Dear Senator Ferguson,

We refer to your speech in the Australian Senate on the 18th of March 2009, titled ‘The Turkish-Australian Community’. That day, you took offence at a statement made by South Australia’s Attorney General, the Hon. Michael Atkinson regarding the genocide campaigns of Ottoman Turks against its Christian minorities – including Armenians, Pontian Greeks and Assyrians – in the early 1900s.

You stated that you shared the concern of your “personal friend”, the Turkish ambassador at Mr. Atkinson’s remarks, and that the Armenian and Pontian cases were “debatable” and “cannot be accurately depicted” today.

Senator, you continued your support for modern Turkey’s internationally condemned denialist agenda by stating “we should not be passing judgment when we do not know the full facts”.

The full facts of the Armenian Genocide are undeniable. Any scholar denying that 1.5million of our ancestors were massacred, starved and death marched from their homes in 1915 is discredited by the ‘International Association of Genocide Scholars’.

The word ‘Genocide’ was coined by Mr. Rafael Lemkin in 1948, when he used the Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocaust as references when sharing examples of organised attempts to exterminate an entire people.

Senator, your speech on 18th of March was ironically followed seven days later by your home state, South Australia’s Legislative Council recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide. The motion, which was introduced by Mr. David Ridgway (Liberal MLC and Opposition Leader of the Legislative Council) and passed unopposed, also recognised a key component in South Australia’s history.

South Australians, along with Australians from other states, took part in Australia’s first ever international relief effort by donating clothing, money and infrastructure (orphanage for child survivors in Lebanon) to the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the great efforts of Australians to come to the aid of this oppressed people.

Further, Australian World War I prisoners of war (POW) accounts reveal testimonies of the horrors being committed against Armenians and other Ottoman Christian minorities.

Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the accounts of our Australian soldiers.

Senator, your statement has deeply offended Armenian-Australians, Greek-Australians and Assyrian-Australians. The Armenian National Committee of Australia and the Armenian-Australian community joins the Greek and Assyrian communities in requesting you retract your statement with an appropriate apology.

We offer to meet with you to discuss this further and provide material to assist with your research towards correction.

Yours Sincerely,

Varant Meguerditchian

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