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The number of tourists visiting Turkey has been steadily climbing thanks to the impact of a number of policies and related infrastructure investments, along with Turkey’s increasing popularity as a tourist destination in its immediate region in recent years.

The number of tourists visiting Turkey has been steadily climbing thanks to the impact of a number of policies and related infrastructure investments, along with Turkey’s increasing popularity as a tourist destination in its immediate region in recent years.

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ANKARA (A.A) – 20.03.2009 – The Serbian foreign minister said on Friday that his country saw Turkey a key country for peace and stability.

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said that Serbia thought Turkey had key importance in the Balkans.

“Despite difference of opinion about Kosovo, it is important for us to boost our bilateral relations,” Jeremic told a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan.

Jeremic is actually paying a formal visit to Turkey, and is the first Serbian foreign minister visiting Turkey.

The Serbian minister said that his country’s policy regarding Kosovo would not change, and talks continued with the international community to find a solution acceptable by all sides.

Jeremic said that Serbia was willing to solve the issue through peaceful and political means, and handled the issue within the scope of international law.

The minister said that the legal process began in the International Court of Justice, and the issue would become clear after the court made a decision.

However, there were some bilateral steps that could be taken since then, he said.

On the same issue, Babacan said that Serbia and Turkey had different positions on Kosovo, but this should not prevent the two countries from enhancing their cooperation.

The Serbian minister said that two countries could do more to boost their economic relations, and could simplify visa procedures in coming days.

Jeremic said that Turkey and Serbia had similar goals about the European Union (EU), and integration to the EU was a prior issue for both countries.

On the title deeds of the Palestinians in the Ottoman archives, Babacan said that Turkey was opening all its registers when demanded.

Babacan also said that the court and/or any one who would examine the registers would make its/his/her own decision.

The Turkish minister also said that Turkey’s policy was to be totally frank, and underlined importance of prevailing of justice. (BRC-CE)

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