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Armenia and Armenians in Int’l Treaties, Ann Arbor, Mar. 19-21

ForgingThePast 2 e1398727513478

The forged picture that is being spread on the net with the caption: "Turkish official teases starving Armenian children by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide in 1915."

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International Conference
Armenia and Armenians in International Treaties

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 19-21, 2009

Day 1 – Thursday, March 19, 2009 – Michigan Union (Anderson D)

Session I – 9:00-12:00

Dr. Levon Avdoyan, “Unintended Consequences: Three Ancient Treaties
   and the Armenians” (63,299, 387 CE)
Prof. Robert H. Hewsen, “Armenia in the Treaty of Nisibis of 299 CE”
Prof. Seta B. Dadoyan,”From the ‘Medinan Oaths’ to the Shah’s
   ‘Compact’ for New Julfa-Isfahan: The Millennial Record of
   Islamic-Armenian Protocols”
Prof. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, “Armenian Aristocrats as Diplomatic
   Partners of Eastern Roman Emperors, 387-884/885 AD”

Session II – 2:00-5:00

Prof. Azat Bozoyan, “The Treaty of Deapolis (1107) as an Example of
   the Byzantine Policy of ‘Divide and Rule'”
Prof. Claude Mutafian, “The International Treaties of the Last Kingdom
   of Armenia

Mr. Armen Kouyoumdjian, “When Madrid Was the Capital of Armenia
Prof. Ali Kavani, “The Treaty of 1639 and its consequences for Armenia
   and Armenians”

Day 2 – Friday, March 20, 2009 – Michigan Union (Anderson D)

Session III – 9:00-12:00

Dr. Sebouh Aslanian, “Julfan Agreements with Foreign States and
   Chartered Companies: Exploring the limits of Julfan Collective
   Self-Representation in the Early Modern Age”
Prof. Kevork Bardakjian, “The National ‘Constitution’ of 1863: A
   Dhimmi-Muslim Contract?”
Prof. Aram Yengoyan, “No War, No Peace: The Treaty of Brest Litovsk, 1918″
Prof. Richard Hovannisian,”The Unratified Treaty of Alexandropol as
   the Basis for Subsequent Russian-Turkish-Armenian Relations”

Session IV – 2:00-4:00

Dr. Fuat Dundar, “Diplomacy of Statistics: Discussing the Number of
   Armenians during Diplomatic Negotiations (1878-1914)”
Dr. Vladimir Vardanyan, “Peace Treaties of Armenia and Relating to
   Armenia: A Legal Analysis”
Prof. Dennis Papazian, “The Treaty of Lausanne

Day 3 – Saturday, March 21, 2009 – Michigan Union (Wolverine ABC)

Session V – 8:30-12:00

Dr. Lusine Taslakyan, “Armenia in International Environmental Conventions”
Mr. Emil Sanamyan, “The OSCE-CFE Treaty and Breaches in the
   International Legal System: Armenia’s Predicament Today”
Mr. Rouben Shougarian, “Yielding More to Gain the Essential: The
   Russo-Armenian Treaty of 1997”
Prof. Sevane Garibian, “From the 1915 Allied Declaration to the Treaty
   of Sevres
: The Legacy of the Armenian Genocide in International
Criminal Law”

Session VI – 1:30-4:00

Prof. Keith Watenpaugh, “The League of Nations and the Formation of
   Armenian Genocide Denial
Pascual Ohanian, JD, “International Treaties in International Penal
   Law Concerning Crimes Against Humanity: Applicability of the Juridical
   Experience in Argentina and Chile to the Turkish-Ottoman State and
   Turkish Republic for Acts Perpetrated from 1910 to 1923 and Beyond”
Prof. Catherine Kessedjian, “Beyond Treaties”

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