Saudi Scholar Nixes Biofuels as Un-Islamic

İşletmelerin 2020 Yılında Faydalanabileceği Bazı Kilit Teknolojiler
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3 responses to “Saudi Scholar Nixes Biofuels as Un-Islamic”

  1. mok10501 Avatar

    If every sins that Adam’s children commit makes them drank like alcohol does, there would be hardly a sober soul walking on earth. The front row of these sinners would be the Saudi Royalty(the so-called British made kings with small K). They enjoy the life in Switzerland themselves, the best booz and the most beautiful women available on earth, but they forbid any little earthly benefits to their own citizens, e.g., woman cannot driver alone in the Saudi Kingdom even most of them own Roy’s Rolls.

  2. Mahmad Ilyas Avatar
    Mahmad Ilyas

    I am not a regular Islamic scholar but one thing is there that I know about alcohol. Islam has forbidden intoxicants that bring the mental status to alter in a manner that one getting out of senses does crimes which is contrary to the teachings of the religion. Alcohol was not forbidden forthwith by Islam but gradually when Muslims did get the teaching of faith it was on a morning anounced and all Muslims threw the pots of wine in streets and it was seen flowing everywhere. According to Islamic teachings other intoxicants are also prohibited in the same case of getting out of senses of a person and it has been regarded as a mother of sins.
    As far as I think that the thing which does not intoxicates is not as the same case. An ox or Bull shit is a dirty thing that is dried and then grinded to put under an infant for night. An infant gets a sound sleep in it being warm and dry free of its own wet urination. Never ask about anything from a Mullah. They being asked to be restricted again and again in their profession become negatively to anything though themselves be seldom pious. It is an Arabic proverb (Ma Kalamul Alimu illa la) ‘there is no other sayings of a scholar but, No ‘.

  3. mok10501 Avatar

    ISLAM confirms the science, and does not ignore the derivatives. Adulteration and excessive use of anything is called “HARAM”, a bad translation for haram in English is “forbidden” . The opposite of haram is HELAL. The best example was used by the muslim scholars to explain the differences between them is grape. As we all know, eating the fruit itself and drinking its juice i.e., grape juice is perfectly OK or HELAL. However, fermentation of the grape juice which is called wine is alcohol and basically is an adulteration. Hence, is not HELAL. Because, if you consume excessively, depending of your body’s tolerance, it becomes intoxicant. Hence, it is HARAM. In between two we have vinegar which is not forbidden because it does not have the same chemical structure like alcohols. Hence it is not a full adulteration in the fermentation chain and not harmful. Have you ever tried excessively of all three? Which one hits you first? That one is the most forbidden. Now, when we look at the medical research on the recent red wine use, as its benefits or harms, we cannot see a clear result as YES or NO. Why is that? We do not have a large space to go over this subject, but I would rather conclude my comment with a known joke about the subject. A young drank asks imam “Why is OK to eat the fruit but not drink its juice?” He was referring to grape and wine ,of course. The imam’s answer was” You can slip with a lady, but can you slip with your daughter that comes after your actions- bodily fluid exchange?”. The answer is “why not” in some areas as we now, but it is horrible to even think about it for every religion that we know.

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