Engine failure clue in jet crash

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Engine failure may have been a factor in Wednesday’s crash of a Turkish Airlines plane at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, the chief investigator says.

Pieter van Vollenhoven told Dutch state television that the way the aircraft fell directly from the sky suggested that its engines might have stalled.

Nine people were killed when the Boeing 737-800 crashed short of the runway.

A Dutch official said those killed were five Turks and four Americans. Six people remain in a critical condition.

Eighty-six people were injured altogether.

Mr Van Vollenhoven, chairman of the Dutch Safety Board, said a reason for the apparent engine failure had not yet been established.

If you then lose speed, you then literally fall out of the sky,” he was quoted as saying.

Dutch officials have taken the flight data and voice recorders to Paris, where French authorities are providing technical assistance.

Mr Van Vollenhoven said analysis of the recorders might be completed as early as Friday, but that the Dutch Safety Board would probably not announce any preliminary findings until next week.

“We hope to have a firmer grip as soon as possible,” he told NOS television, adding that the information retrieved from the recorders was of high quality and would aid reconstruction of the accident.

Data analysis

The aircraft had been carrying 127 passengers and seven crew when it came down several hundred yards short of Schiphol airport’s runway, about three hours after it left Istanbul’s Ataturk airport.

It broke into three pieces on impact. Fire did not break out and within minutes those capable of walking began staggering out of the wreck.

Three of those killed were members of the crew. Dutch officials said most of the passengers on board had been Turkish.

Theo Weterings, the mayor of the Haarlemmermeer district which includes Schiphol, said 63 injured passengers were still in care, six in a critical condition.

“Four of them are in such a severe condition that we have not been able to communicate with them,” he told a news conference.

He said the priority was to identity the victims and inform their relatives.

Fred Sanders, a spokesman for the Dutch Safety Board, said it was remarkable that so many people had been able to walk out of the crash.

“Some have called it a miracle,” he added.

Turkish Transport Minister Binali Yildirim also described the low death toll as a miraculous.

“The fact that the plane landed on a soft surface and that there was no fire helped keep the number of fatalities low,” he said.

Mr Sanders said the investigation at the scene of the crash would take a few days, after which the wreckage would be removed.

Pilot ‘experienced’

The Turkish transport ministry said 78 Turkish nationals and 56 people of other nationalities had been on board the plane.

Candan Karlitekin, head of Turkish Airlines’ board of directors, said records showed the plane had been properly maintained. The pilot, a former Turkish air force officer, was highly experienced, she added.

Survivor Jihad Alariachi said there had been no warning from the cockpit to brace for landing before the ground loomed up through the mist.

“We braked really hard, but that’s normal in a landing. Then the nose went up. And then we bounced… with the nose aloft,” she said.

Witnesses on the ground described seeing the plane appear to glide through the air, having lost all propulsion, before hitting the ground and breaking into three pieces.

That so many people were able to walk out was truly remarkable
Fred Sanders
Dutch Safety Board
27 October 2005: A fire at the airport’s detention centre killed 11 people and injured 15
4 April 1994: Three people were killed and 13 seriously injured when a KLM flight carrying 24 people crashed on landing
4 October 1992: An El Al Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed into an apartment block after takeoff, killing 43 people

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3 responses to “Engine failure clue in jet crash”

  1. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    Yolcuların ifadelerine göre, Hollandalı kurtarma ekipleri, sanıldığının aksine olaya geç müdahale etti. Hatta yolculardan biri polisin yaralı pilota yardım etmediğini ileri sürüyor

    Tekirdağ uçağının yolcularından 10′u dün iki ayrı THY uçağıyla İstanbul’a getirildi. Olayın şokunu atlatamayan yolcular dehşet dakikalarını anlattı.

    Yolculardan birinin ise kahreden bir iddiası vardı.

    Yaralı yolcu, Habertürk’e şunları anlattı: Uçağın düşmesi bir kaç saniye sürdü. 10 dakika sonra 5-6 polis geldi. Hiç kimseye yardım etmeyip sadece güvenlik önlemi aldılar. Bu sırada pilot henüz ölmemişti. Benden yardım istiyordu. İlk ekip de 40 dakika sonra geldi. O an bile pilot yaşıyordu. Ancak gelenler ‘Olay kriminal’ diyerek hiç birşey yapmadı. O an pilota yardım edilebilseydi belki şu an yaşıyor olabilirdi.’


    Kazadan yara almadan kurtulan işadamı Mustafa Bahçecioğlu, “Herkes büyük bir panikle camlara vuruyor, ‘kurtarın’ diye bağırıyordu. İnsanların ağzı, yüzü kan revan içindeydi” dedi

    Demiryollarına teknik hizmet veren bir firmanın sahibi olan Bahçeçioğlu, uçağın orta bölümündeki 19F numaralı koltukta oturduğunu belirterek, kaza anını şöyle anlattı: “Önce bir sarsıntı hissettik. Sonra uçak kalkar gibi oldu. Ne olduğunu anlamadan yere çakıldı. Herkes bağırıyordu. Birden ‘exit’ kapısı dışarıdan açıldı. Birkaç kişiyle acil iniş kapısından indirildik. Teknikten anladığım için hemen uçağa baktım. Üçe bölünmüştü ancak yangın yoktu.”

    “Bunun üzerine içerdeki yolcular aklıma geldi. Hemen uçağa döndüm. İki kişiyle birlikte, birkaç yaşlı ve genç kadın ile çocuklara yardımcı olarak dışarı çıkardık. En az 15 kişi kurtarmışızdır. Çocukların gözlerindeki korkuyu size anlatamam. Herkes zaten çocuklar için ağlıyordu. Ben de korkudan ağladım. Uçağın ön tarafı çok kötüydü. Kendisini kurtaramayanlar camlara vurup, ‘Bizi kurtarın’ diye çığlık atıyorlardı. Koltuklara sıkışıp kalmışlardı. Yüzleri, gözleri kan içindeydi. Uçaktan indiğimde yerde yatan birini gördüm. Baktım, ölmüştü.”


    Akşam gazetesinin haberine göre ise, olayın kahramanlarından biri hosteslerden Perihan Özden idi. Yolcuların ifadelerine göre, uçağın düşeceğini ilk Özden fark etti. Hemen kokpite koşan hostes kapıyı yumruklayıp kaptan pilota ‘kaptan hakkını helal et’ diye bağırdı. Bu sırada uçak bir kaç saniye içinde büyük bir gürültüyle yere düştü. İlk şoku atlatan Özden, koltuklar arasında sıkışan iki hostes arkadaşını ile bazı yolcuları kurtarmak için çabaladı.
    Motorun fırladığını gören diğer yolcular, yardım ekiplerinin sanıldığı gibi erken değil, çok geç geldiğini ifade ediyor.

    Milliyet 27.2.2009


  2. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    2 Boeing workers killed in Amsterdam crash, 1 injured

    Two Boeing employees were among nine people who died in the crash of a Turkish Airlines jetliner near Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and a third was hospitalized, the aerospace company said late Thursday.

    By Seattle Times staff and The Associated Press

    Two Boeing employees were among nine people who died in the crash of a Turkish Airlines jetliner near Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and a third was hospitalized, the aerospace company said late Thursday.

    The company is waiting for notification from the State Department about the condition of a fourth Boeing employee, the company says on its Web site.

    Boeing spokesman Jim Proulx on Wednesday identified the four Boeing employees as Michael Hemmer, Ronald Richey, John Salman and Ricky Wilson. The company on Thursday declined to say which two of the four were killed or who was injured, citing the families’ wishes.

    The four men were aboard Turkish Airlines Flight 1951 that slammed into a muddy field Wednesday morning, two miles from the runway at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. Authorities in the Netherlands said nine — five Turks and four Americans — of the 135 people aboard the Boeing 737-800 died.

    “This is a very sad day for our company,” Jim McNerney, Boeing chief executive officer, said on the company Web site. “Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues’ families, friends and co-workers and with the families of everyone who was on the flight.”

    All the Boeing employees on the plane were based in the Puget Sound area and were traveling on Boeing business. All four worked for Boeing’s defense division on the Turkish “Peace Eagle” program, the company said.

    A woman who identified herself as a family friend answered the phone at the Hemmer residence in Federal Way earlier Thursday. While she was unsure of Hemmer’s status, she said the family assumes he survived the crash. Hemmer’s wife and brother were on the way to Amsterdam, said the woman, who declined to give her name.

    She said she and another family friend are caring for the Hemmers’ children.

    There was no answer at the homes of Salman, Richey or Wilson.

    In Amsterdam, meanwhile, the head of the agency investigating the accident said engine trouble may have caused the crash.

    Chief investigator Pieter van Vollenhoven said, in remarks quoted by Dutch state television NOS, that the Boeing 737-800 had fallen almost directly from the sky, which pointed toward the plane’s engines having stopped. He said a reason for that had not been established.

    Spokeswoman Sandra Groenendal of the Dutch Safety Authority added that engine failure was still only “one of the possible scenarios” for the crash.

    Van Vollenhoven said a preliminary finding would not be made until an analysis of the plane’s flight-data recorders in Paris could be completed.

    Survivors said engine noise seemed to stop suddenly; the plane shuddered and then fell out of the sky tail-first. Witnesses on the ground said the plane dropped from about 300 feet.

    Haarlemmermeer Mayor Theo Weterings said the names of the victims would not be released until the bodies had been formally identified.

    At the crash site Thursday, investigators took detailed photos, trying to piece together why the plane lost speed and crashed.

    One survivor, Henk Heijloo, said the last message he heard from the captain was for the flight crew to take their seats. He said it took him time to realize the landing had gone wrong.

    “We were coming in at an odd angle, and I felt the pilot give the plane more gas,” he said. He said he thought the pilot might have been trying to abort the landing, because the nose came up.

    He then realized the landing was too rough to be normal, and he felt an enormous crash a moment later.

    He walked away apparently uninjured, but his body began aching Thursday, he said.

    Turkish Airlines chief Temel Kotil said the captain, Hasan Tahsin Arisan, was an experienced former air force pilot.

    Turkish officials said the plane was built in 2002.

    Turkish Airlines officials issued a statement Thursday denying reports that the plane had had technical problems in the days before the accident.

    It confirmed that the plane had undergone routine maintenance Feb. 19 and that it had to delay a flight Monday to replace a faulty caution light.

    A retired pilot who listened to a radio exchange between air traffic controllers and the crew shortly before the crash said he didn’t hear anything unusual.

    “Everything appeared normal,” said Joe Mazzone, a former Delta Air Lines captain. “They were given clearance to descend to 7,000 feet.”

    The recording was posted by the Web site LiveATC.net.

    “Turkish 1951 descending from level 7-0,” one of the pilots said as they neared the airport, referring to the plane’s altitude of 7,000 feet.

    The controller cleared the plane to descend to 4,000 feet, where it would intercept an electronic beam guiding the plane to the runway.

    The controller then read out the proper radio frequency for requesting clearance to land. “Turkish 1951 contact the tower 11827, bye bye,” he said

    “Thank you, sir,” the pilot said. There was no indication of trouble in his voice.

    Weather at the airport at the time was cloudy with a slight drizzle.

    Boeing’s 737, built at the company’s plant in Renton, is the world’s best-selling commercial jet, with more than 6,000 orders since the model was launched in 1965.

    The Seattle Times 27/02/2009

  3. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    Pilotlardan şok sorular:

    Türk Havayolları Pilotlar Derneği, önceki gün Hollanda’da meydana gelen kazayla ilgili Hollanda yetkililerine çok kritik sorular yöneltti. İşte açıklama ve sorular:

    Yetkisi olmayan net bilgi olmadan yanlış açıklamalar yapıyor. Merak edilen sorular var. Onları sıralamak istiyorum:

    – Kaza olduktan sonra kokpit ekibine kurtarma ekibi tarafından ne kadar sürede müdahale edilmiştir?

    – Ne kadar süre sonra kokpitten çıkarılmıştır?

    – Kurtarma ekibinin yeterli bilgisi var mıydı?

    – Dış basınlarda yer alan düşünceler var. Bu düşünceler Türk Sivil Havacılığı ve THY’yi karalama kampanyası olabilir mi?

    – Yurtdışında yapılan açıklamalara cevap vermek istiyoruz. İşte elimizdeki bulgular:

    – Düşen uçakta yeterli miktarda yakıt vardı. Amsterdam’a iniş yapabilecek, hatta 40 dakika bekleyecek yakıta sahipti

    – Uçağımız 1 dakikada 1500 metre düşecek hızdaydı, yani motor durmadı, motor arızalı değildi. Motor arızası olsaydı bu şekilde bir düşüş olmazdı.

    – Türbülans durumunda öndeki uçağın türü çok önemlidir. Pilotlarımız başarılı bir şekilde uçağı indirmeyi başarmıştır.

    – Sonuç olarak herkes emin olmalıdır ki Türk sivil hacılığın unsuru olan Türk pilotları görevlerini yerine getirmeye devam edeceklerdir.

    – Motor durması ihtimali? En büyük ihtimal türbülans mıdır?

    – Başka türlü ihtimal varsayımlarına gittiğimizde, diğer düşündüğümüz tüm varsayımlar üçüncü dördüncüye düşüyor. En güçlü ihtimal bu.

    – Türbülanstan bahsetmiyoruz. Wake türbülanstan bahsediyoruz. Bir başka uçağın yarattığı türbülanstır.

    – Karakutular Almanya ve Fransa’da kontrol ediliyor. Türkiye’de neden incelenmiyor? Türkiye’de karakutu inceleme sistemi kuramaz mı?

    – Belli merkezlerde kontrol ediliyorlar. Tarafsız olması için Hollanda’da incelenmiyor.

    – Kokpit nedeniyle mi müdahalede gecikildi?

    – Bunu Nisan ayında yapılacak pilotlar toplantısında da dile getireceğiz.

    – Arkadaşlarımızın ailelerine böyle bir şeyle karşılarına çıkmak istemedik. Ancak basından onlar da duydular. Müdahale edilememesi.

    – Kapıdan dolayı mı müdahale edilememiş?

    – Basından duyduğumuz kadarıyla bu konuda, Hollanda pilotlar derneğiyle temastayız.

    – Görgü tanıkları pilotun kazanın ardından ilk anda yaşadığını ve el salladığını söylüyor.

    – Biz soruyoruz. Gerekli ayırma yapılmış mıdır? Yapılmamış mıdır? Bizim uçağımızın kaptanlarına, sormuş mudur ki önünüzde wake türbülans kategorisinde bir uçak vardır, dikkat edin.

    – Mutlaka kendilerinde kayıtları vardır. Her şey pilotlarımıza yükleniyor ama inanın ki hiç normal bir olay değil. Hiçbir pilot bunu yapamaz.

    – Schipol havalimanı yetkilileri üzerine düşen görevleri yapmışlar mıdır?

    Türk Havayolları Pilotlar Derneği (TALPA – Turkiye Airline Pilots’ Association )

    Kaynak: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gundem/11100960.asp?gid=229

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