Cyprus – Progress by Andrew Dismore MP

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Cyprus – Progress so far report to ACGTA by Andrew Dismore MP – 6 Feb 2009

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The Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs

The Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs

Friday 6 February 2009 at 6.30 p.m.

London School of Economics
European Institute
Canada Blanch Room, Cowdray House, 1st floor,
Portugal Street, London WC2A 2AE

Andrew Dismore, MP

Kyriacos Tsioupras in the Chair,
Dr Zenon Stavrinides
General Secretary, Association for Cypriot, Greek and Turkish Affairs

Visit the ACGTA websites at


THE SPEAKER: Andrew Dismore studied law in the University of Warwick and the London School of Economics, and worked as solicitor, specialising in helping victims of accidents and crime. He entered Parliament as Labour MP for Hendon in 1997. He has served in a number of parliamentary committees, including the Joint Committee on Human Rights, which he chairs; and the Standards and Privileges Committee. He is also involved in various political organisations, including Friends of Cyprus. His long-standing interest in the situation in Cyprus and his other interests are expressed in a number of speeches and articles which can be found in his website

As Vice Chair of Friends of Cyprus, has paid repeated visits to the island, where he met with Greek and Turkish Cypriot politicians, academics, business people and civil society personalities. Following his last visit from 26 November to 2 December 2008, he put down many parliamentary questions which when answered were fed into an adjournment debate on Cyprus on 15 January 2009, in which the Minister for Europe, Caroline Flint, MP responded on behalf of the British government.

This movie is part of the collection: Ourmedia

Producer: Andrew Dismore MP
Keywords: Association for Cypriot Greek and Turkish Affairs; ACGTA; Dr Zenon Stavrinides; Andrew Dismore MP; Vice Chair of Friends of Cyprus; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey

Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

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