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Inaquration of the 44th President of United States

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On the Inaquration of the 44th President of United States

This 20th day of January 2009,

The Turkish Forum “World Turkish Coalition”


President Barack Huseyin Obama and his Familiy

And Celebrates

the continuation of Long standing “Stratejik Partnership”

and Friendship of the people of the Unites States and Turkey

Turkish Forum – Dunya Turkleri Birligi

2009 yili Ocak Ayinin 20’sinde

Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin 44 uncu Baskani Olan

Sayin Barack Huseyin Obama’yi ve Ailesini tebrik eder

Ve cok uzun zamandan beri devam etmekde olan

ABD-Turkiye Stratejik ortakligi ile

Turk ve Amerikan Toplumlarinin yakin isbirligininin devamini Kutlar<–>

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