Turkish court launches probe into apology campaign to Armenia

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The office of the Ankara Public Prosecutor launched Friday an investigation into an Internet campaign to issue a public apology to Armenians.

Six prosecutors submitted a petition calling for a penalty for the organizers of the apology campaign for “insulting the Turkish nation openly” under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK).

The Ankara public prosecutor’s office started an investigation into the issue following the prosecutors’ demand.

Around 200 Turkish academics, writers and journalists launched a website issuing an apology to Armenians regarding the 1915 incidents and called for people to sign on in support.

The efforts of the intellectuals drew fierce reaction in Turkey and incited counter website campaigns, and exhibitions containing information and photographs from studies conducted into the events.

Opening a file in the Article 301, a law that makes insulting Turkishness a crime, requires the permission of the Justice Ministry.

Armenia, with the backing of the diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings in 1915.Turkey rejects the claims saying that 300,000 Armenians, along with at least as many Turks, died in civil strife that emerged when Armenians took up arms, backed by Russia, for independence in eastern Anatolia.


The issue remains unsolved as Armenia drags its feet on accepting Turkey’s proposal to form an independent commission to investigate the claims.


Hurriyet Daily News Online

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4 responses to “Turkish court launches probe into apology campaign to Armenia”

  1. 1915 Armenian Genocide does not make today’s Turkey criminal. Refusing the the Genicide does …

  2. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    Here we face another terrorist.

    Armenians massacred Turks, Jewish, Tatars and Azeris. 90 odd years past, these people who perpetrated monstrous acts themselves, now accuse Turks of genocide while reputable scholars on the subject demonstrate it to be totally opposite.

    They still terrorise Turkish communities across the world by these lies and disinformation campaigns.
    Go spend some time in the library and study the Turkish history from reputable scholars you will discover that Turks called Armenians “Millet-i Sadika”, loyal citizens. Thousands of Armenians live in modern Turkey in peace and harmony with the Turks. And so many Armenians run away from Armenia and come to Turkey as economic and political refugees. Some of them run away because they are sick and tired of Armenian Dashnak propaganda and oppression. Come to the centre of Istanbul and meet Armenian refugees. Or welcome to Leeds and meet them. Be my guest… The first point of contact for these poor people who are persecuted by the Armenian Dashnaks happens to be the Turkish community. WHY? They feel at home and safe with the Turks.

    Are you guys for real or what? Armenians should apologise for the murdered babies, pregnant women and the elderly in recent times in 1990s FIRST.

  3. Erhan Tunceli Avatar
    Erhan Tunceli


    I understand how you feel. My parents came from Turkey and grew up in the Turkish educational system that forbade any talk of genocide. History in Turkey has been re-written in all public spheres to deny any genocide against minorities. Even if the Armenian Genocide was not true, what about the annihilation of the Assyrians in middle Anatolia? Or Bulgarians in the 1870s?

    When you say reputable scholars, do you mean Turkish ones? Clearly, they can’t be reputable if they have a bias. Let’s speak logically here.

    Modern Turkey is having a cultural Renaissance that is opening the freedom of speech. Look how many Turkish scholars have come forward with undeniable evidence that an extermination attempt by the Ottoman Empire was carried out against a civilian minority. My family raised two
    Armenian orphans whose parents were brutally murdered outside their house. It is time to purge the hate and recognise our past.


  4. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    I do not mean Turkish Historians of course(Bernard Lewis). From your atitude it clearly indicates that you will not recognise Asala Ermenian Terorism and you will be ignorant to Armenian massacre against Turks, Jews and Azeris. If you do not admit these incidents which even took place in Karabag about two decades ago there is no need to talk. First you have to admit this dirty terorism which took innocent lifes even recent times. then apologise to all Turks ,Jews and Azeris. Poor ignorance is a clear indication that you want us to believe what you say. Of course loosing someone especially loved ones something is not easy. You have to take into account of the lives of the lost diplomats families as well and be apologetic at least. Ignorance is not the solution. Admitting armenian massacre against Turks ,Jews and Azeris is just a start. then you should apologise first. Same ignorance killed millions worldwide last decade. I am just wondering will you ask Iraqis apologise to America too? God save us all…

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