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Michael Getler
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Sample Letter
I watched “The Armenian Genocide” documentary directed by Andrew Goldberg on WLIW21 last night. I am writing this letter to express my dismay concerning the PBS decision to air this documentary again.
Concerning the tragic events of 1915, Turks and Armenians clearly have different perceptions. The Armenian perception has been expressed by the PBS on different occasions. However, the PBS has never aired the Turkish point of view. You may say that “No, the documentary in question includes the opinions of Turkish scholars and intellectuals regarding the issue” and I can reply that “yes, but they look at the issue from the Armenian point of view.”
The events of 1915 are still controversial and are discussed by the historians. There are many Turkish and international historians and experts including Guenter Lewy, Edward Erickson, Bernard Lewis, Gilles Veinstein and Justin McCarthy who describe the Armenian relocation as a security measure taken by the then Ottoman government under WWI conditions. Why did Mr. Goldberg, the director of the documentary not give floor to them to tell the other side of the story, leaving out the critical fact that Armenian nationals fomented a full-scale rebellion against the Ottoman government by siding with the invading foreign army in full force. And why did he not attach due sensitivity to the enormous number of Muslim Turks killed by Armenians during WWI and the assassination campaign of Armenian terrorist groups against Turkish diplomats during the 1970s and 1980s?
The world has yet to learn the entire coverage of the story. The Turkish government has already opened the Ottoman archives including military ones to all historians and experts, contrary to the claim of Armenian circles. Moreover, Turkey has proposed to Armenia the establishment of a joint historical commission in order to study these tragic events comprehensively. The Armenian side, on the other hand, has yet to positively respond to this sincere proposal.
It should be borne in mind that the entire Turkish community is extremely sensitive about these allegations. It is not fair to label a whole nation with this heinous crime which was not committed by them. Memories of people do not always overlap with historical facts and it is not just to expect from one nation to completely accept another nation’s memory.
I should also mention here that independent journalism would require the covering of a story in all its dimensions. I, therefore, request you to desist from airing this one-sided documentary and express my hope that you would prepare more balanced programs in the future.
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