//Objects to interact with server var CMSUtil = { interactWithServer: function(form, isAjax, buildObjectFunction, returnFunction, action, servlet, extraFields){ if(isAjax == true && returnFunction != null){ var queryString = Form.serialize(form); if(queryString != null){ if(action != null){ queryString += "&action=" + action + "&isAjax=Y"; }else{ queryString += "&isAjax=Y"; } if(extraFields){ queryString += extraFields; }
var handlerFunction = function(originalRequest){ var response = "(" + originalRequest.responseText + ")"; response = eval(response); buildObjectFunction(response); returnFunction(response); }
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(servlet, {method: 'post', parameters: queryString, onComplete: handlerFunction} ); } }else{ this.submitUserFormNoAJAX(form, action, servlet); } },
submitUserFormNoAJAX: function(form, action, servlet){ if(servlet == null) return null; form.action = servlet;
if(action != null) { var actionField = document.createElement('input'); actionField.setAttribute('name', 'action'); actionField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); actionField.value = action; form.appendChild(actionField);
} form.submit(); }
var Action = { attachAction: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "attachActionAJAX"; } else { action = "attachAction"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Action.buildAction, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
deleteAction: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "deleteActionAJAX"; } else { action = "deleteAction"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Action.deletedAction, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
buildAction: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ Action.actionID = response.actionID; Action.contentID = response.contentID; Action.commentID = response.commentID; Action.contentTypeID = response.contentTypeID; Action.actionDate = response.actionDate; Action.userID = response.userID; Action.actionType = response.actionType; Action.slugLine = response.slugLine; } else { Action.error = response.error; } },
deletedAction: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ Action.actionID = response.actionID; } else { Action.error = response.error; } } }
var Rating = { addRating: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "addRatingAJAX"; } else { action = "addRating"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Rating.buildRating, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
buildRating: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ Rating.id = response.id; Rating.rating = response.rating; Rating.upvote = response.upvote; Rating.downvote = response.downvote; Rating.type = response.type; Rating.date = response.date; Rating.ipAddress = response.ipAddress; }else{ Rating.error = response.error; } }
var User = { createUser: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "createProfileAJAX"; } else { action = "createProfile"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
loginUser: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "doLoginProfileAJAX"; } else { action = "doLoginProfile"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
updateUser: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "updateProfileAJAX"; } else { action = "updateProfile"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
updateRegistration: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "updateRegistrationAJAX"; } else { action = "updateReg"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
updateProfilePassword: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ action = "updateProfilePasswordAJAX"; } else { action = "updateProfilePassword"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
insertProfilePic: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var action = ""; if(isAjax){ //not implemented as of yet return; //action = "updateImageAJAX"; } else { action = "updateImage"; } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, User.buildUser, returnFunction, action, "/s"); },
buildUser: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ User.username = response.username; User.email = response.email; User.firstName = response.firstName; User.lastName = response.lastName; User.birthDate = response.birthDate; User.createDate = response.createDate; User.title = response.title; User.company = response.company; User.address1 = response.address1; User.address2 = response.address2; User.city = response.city; User.state = response.state; User.zipcode = response.zipcode; User.country = response.country; User.custom1 = response.custom1; User.custom2 = response.custom2; User.custom3 = response.custom3; User.custom4 = response.custom4; User.custom5 = response.custom5; User.custom6 = response.custom6; User.custom7 = response.custom7; User.custom8 = response.custom8; User.custom9 = response.custom9; }else{ User.error = response.error; } } }
var UserContent = { insertContent: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var extraQueryStr = null;
if(isAjax){ extraQueryStr = getFieldsForForm(); }else{ addFieldsToForm(form); } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, UserContent.buildContent, returnFunction, extraQueryStr, "/d"); },
editContent: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, UserContent.buildContent, returnFunction, null, "/d"); },
buildContent: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ for (var i=0; i< response.fields.length; i++){ var field = response.fields[i]; UserContent[field] = response[field]; } UserContent.contentID = response.contentID; UserContent.contentType = response.contentType; UserContent.title = response.title; UserContent.status = response.status; } else { UserContent.error = response.error; } } }
var Comment = {
insertComment: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var extraQueryStr = null; if(isAjax){ extraQueryStr = getFieldsForForm(); }else{ addFieldsToForm(form); } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Comment.buildComment, returnFunction, "insertComment", "/c", extraQueryStr); },
deleteComment: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var extraQueryStr = null; if(isAjax){ extraQueryStr = getFieldsForForm(); }else{ addFieldsToForm(form); } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Comment.nullifyComment, returnFunction, "deleteComment", "/c", extraQueryStr); },
updateComment: function(form, isAjax, returnFunction){ var extraQueryStr = null; if(isAjax){ extraQueryStr = getFieldsForForm(); } else { addFieldsToForm(form); } CMSUtil.interactWithServer(form, isAjax, Comment.buildComment, returnFunction, "updateComment", "/c", extraQueryStr); },
buildComment: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ Comment.id = response.id; Comment.name = response.name; Comment.comment = response.comment; Comment.email = response.email; Comment.website = response.website; Comment.title = response.title; Comment.isAuthor = response.isAuthor; Comment.flagged = response.flagged; Comment.status = response.status; if(Comment.status == "AUTHOR"){ Comment.isAuthor = true; } else if(Comment.status != "APPROVED") { Comment.flagged = true; } } else { Comment.error = response.error; } },
nullifyComment: function(response){ if(response.success == true){ Comment.id = response.id; Comment.comment = null; Comment.email = null; Comment.website = null; Comment.title = null; Comment.isAuthor = null; Comment.flagged = null; Comment.status = null; } else { Comment.error = response.error; } } }
var p; var kP = 0; var aT = 0; var myInterval = window.setInterval(timedMousePos,250); var xPos = -1; var yPos = -1; var firstX = -1; var firstY = -1; var intervals = 0; var d = 0; var mT = 0; document.onkeypress = lk; window.onload = rAT; var cid = 34466539 ; var did = 253157 ;
function getMousePos(p) { if(!p)var p = window.event; if (p.pageX || p.pageY) { xPos = p.pageX; yPos = p.pageY; } else if (p.clientX || p.clientY) { xPos = p.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; yPos = p.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } }
function lk() { kP++; }
function rAT() { aT = new Date(); }
function timedMousePos() { document.onmousemove = getMousePos; if (xPos >= 0 && yPos >= 0) { var newX = xPos; var newY = yPos; intervals++; } if (intervals == 1) { firstX = xPos; firstY = yPos; } else if (intervals == 2) { clearInterval(myInterval); calcDistance(firstX,firstY,newX,newY); } }
function calcDistance(aX,aY,bX,bY){ mT = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(aX-bX,2)+Math.pow(aY-bY,2))); }
function getFieldsForForm(){ var sT = new Date(); d = sT - aT; var queryString = "&"; queryString += "mT=" + mT; queryString += "&d=" + d; queryString += "&kP=" + kP; if(cid)queryString += "&cid=" + cid; if(did)queryString += "&did=" + did; queryString += "&socialMedia=Y"; return queryString; }
function addFieldsToForm(formObj, redirect) { var sT = new Date(); d = sT - aT; var mTField = document.createElement('input'); var dField = document.createElement('input'); var kPField = document.createElement('input'); var cidField = document.createElement('input'); var didField = document.createElement('input'); var socialMedia = document.createElement('input');
socialMedia.setAttribute('name','socialMedia'); socialMedia.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
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dField.setAttribute('name', 'd'); dField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
kPField.setAttribute('name', 'kP'); kPField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
cidField.setAttribute('name', 'cid'); cidField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
didField.setAttribute('name', 'did'); didField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
if(redirect != null) { var pathField = document.createElement('input'); pathField.setAttribute('name', 'path'); pathField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); pathField.value = redirect; formObj.appendChild(pathField); } mTField.value = mT; dField.value = d; kPField.value = kP; cidField.value = cid; didField.value = did; socialMedia.value = "Y";
formObj.appendChild(dField); formObj.appendChild(kPField); formObj.appendChild(mTField); formObj.appendChild(cidField); formObj.appendChild(didField); formObj.appendChild(socialMedia); }
//helper functions
function insertComment(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Comment.insertComment, "Unable to insert comment", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function updateComment(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Comment.updateComment, "Unable to update comment", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function deleteComment(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Comment.deleteComment, "Unable to delete comment", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function createUser(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(User.createUser, "Unable to create user", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function updateUser(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(User.updateUser, "Unable to update user", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function loginUser(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(User.loginUser, "Unable to login user", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function insertUserContent(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(UserContent.insertContent, "Unable to insert content item", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function editUserContent(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(UserContent.editContent, "Unable to edit content item", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function insertProfilePic(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(User.insertProfilePic, "Unable to upload profile photo", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function addRating(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Rating.addRating, "Unable to add rating", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function attachAction(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Action.attachAction, "Unable to attach action", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function deleteAction(form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ return submitToServer(Action.deleteAction, "Unable to delete action", form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError); }
function submitToServer(method, msg, form, isAjax, returnFunction, showError){ try{ method(form, isAjax, returnFunction); } catch(e) { if(showError) alert(e); alert(msg); } if(isAjax){ return false; } else { return true; } }
Sharon Waxman / Times Books
Chasing the Lydian Hoard
Author Sharon Waxman digs into the tangle over looted artifacts between The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Turkish government
- By Sharon Waxman
- Smithsonian.com, November 14, 2008
In her new book, “LOOT: The Battle over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World,” Sharon Waxman, a former culture reporter for the New York Times and longtime foreign correspondent, gives readers a behind-the-scenes view of the high-stakes, high-powered conflict over who should own the world’s great works of ancient art. Traveling the globe, Waxman met with museum directors, curators, government officials, dealers and journalists to unravel the cultural politics of where antiquities ought to be kept. In the following excerpt from the chapter titled “Chasing the Lydian Hoard,” Waxman tracks a Turkish journalist’s dogged quest for the return of looted artifacts, the ultimate outcome of that quest and its consequences.
Chapter 6 Excerpt
Özgen Acar had been a reporter for Cumhuriyet, Turkey’s oldest daily newspaper, for a decade when, in 1970, he received a visit from Peter Hopkirk, a British journalist from the Sunday Times of London.
“I’m chasing a treasure,” Hopkirk told Acar, intriguingly. “It’s been smuggled out of Turkey. A U.S. museum bought it, and it’s a big secret.”
Acar had grown up in Izmir, on the western coast of Turkey, and had an early taste of antiquities when his mother, an elementary school teacher, took him to museums and to the sites of the ancient Greek origins of his native city. In 1963 he traveled with his backpack along the Turkish coastline, discovering the cultural riches there. But his abiding interest was current affairs, and he had studied political science and economics before getting his first job as a journalist.
Nonetheless, he was intrigued by Hopkirk’s call. Earlier that year, American journalists had gotten a whiff of a brewing scandal at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The Boston Globe had written about a set of golden treasures acquired controversially by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and in doing so mentioned a “Lydian hoard” taken from tombs near Sardis, in Turkey’s Hermus river valley, that was being held in secret by the Met. In August 1970 the New York Times printed a dispatch from the Times of London in which Turkey officially asked for details about the alleged illegal export, warning that it would bar foreign archaeologists from any country that did not return smuggled treasures. Theodore Rousseau, the Met’s chief curator, denied that the museum had exported anything illegally, but added, mysteriously, that there “seemed to be hearsay fabricated around something that might have a kernel of truth to it.”
Hopkirk, the British journalist, was looking to break the story, but he needed a Turkish partner to help him chase the trail locally. He offered Acar the opportunity to team up and investigate and publish simultaneously in both papers. Acar grabbed what seemed like a good story.
They chased the clues that Hopkirk had from his sources: a group of hundreds of golden pieces—coins and jewelry and household goods—had been found near Usak, in southwestern Turkey. Usak was the closest population center to what had been the heart of the kingdom of Lydia in the sixth century BC. The trove had been bought by the Met, which knew that the pieces had no known origin, or provenance, and was keeping the pieces in its storerooms. Acar traveled to Usak, a small town where the residents said no one had heard of a recently discovered golden hoard. He also went to New York City and visited the Met. He called the Ancient Near East department and spoke to the curator, Oscar White Muscarella. Muscarella told him there was nothing like what he described in his department.
continied at
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