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“Ergenekon” play and totalitarianism nightmare on Turkey

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“Ergenekon” play and totalitarianism nightmare on Turkey

Niyaz Yagublu

Ben Azerbaycandan bir araştırmacı ve yazar olarak Türkiyemizde olup bitenleri dikkatle izliyorum. Türkiyemizde cereyan eden olayların genelde hangi politikalardan kaynaklandığına Azerbaycan kamuoyunda aydınlık getirmek istiyorum. Türkiye ile bağlı bir sıra yazılarım yayımlanmıştır. Kendim Azerbaycan Milli Bilimler Akademisinde çalışıyorum, “Development Watch” Research Center-in başkanıyım. Size ingilizce bir yazımı gönderiyorum.

Niyaz Yagublu
“Development Watch” Research Center

“Ergenekon” play and totalitarianism nightmare on Turkey

July 1, 2008 sequel of the “Ergenekon” scenario, which began in January, has illuminated a host of hidden, ominous issues. The AKP (Party of Justice and Development) is successfully moving forward the government’s policy of infiltration into all the structures of the Turkish state, with the purpose of regime changing according to the “Moderate Islam” model, designed in overseas.
Resorting to the detention of high rank retired generals and civil society activists, including a great number of academicians and journalists, is evaluated as a response to Prosecutor General of Turkey Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya’s demand to close the ruling AKP due to its attempts to overthrow the existing secular regime. However the counter
measures of AKP through judicial authorities namely at the final stage of the investigation of the aforementioned appeal, was an expected step. The abuse of methods and facilities, which has judicial authority within a constitutional state by AKP against its rivals, is simultaneously meant to demonstrate their strength in the psychological war between executors of the “Moderate Islam” project and secular state supporters. Download

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