Obama Seeks Your Input, Visions & Job Applications

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Turkish (Türkçe) Note: Aşağıdaki mesaj, Obama Hükumeti’nin internet üzerinden iş başvuruları ve orjinal fikirler kabul etmesi ve bunun nasıl yapılacağıyla ilgilidir.

The Obama Administration is accepting ideas and job applications over the web. This could be a way for anyone (regardless of their background) who have raised concerns about an Obama presidency to make their voices heard.

Note to our American friends: The message below targets Turkish community specifically but it could nevertheless be applicable to any other platform.

Please see the article at this link:
Pertinent excerpts follow (links in blue must be pasted into your web browser to work):

** Barack Obama is turning to the web as he prepares to become US president.

Via a website called Change.gov, the Obama campaign plans to provide a guide to the transition process. The site also solicits suggestions from US citizens about their vision for America, and lets them apply for a post with the new administration. … The site will also accept applications for “non-career” posts in the incoming administration [at this link: application ] . The site does not give details about posts for which it is seeking recruits, but it said some of the roles would require “Senate approval” suggesting they could be positions of some influence. The site also wants US citizens to tell their stories about what Obama’s campaign meant to them, and pass on their “vision” for what they would like to see happen in America [at this link: yourstory and yourvision ; with explanation at this link content/americanmoment ]. …

** Your Story/Your Vision
Obama’s campaign rhetoric on many issues touching upon Turkey and Turks initially followed traditionally anti-Turkish lobbies, and then later softened. The softening rhetoric is likely due to further insight and information gleaned from sources outside of those lobbies, including Turkish Americans. So we can make a difference, but only if we speak up.

Obama is providing a unique opportunity for all Turks in America, whether U.S. citizens or not, to speak to the incoming administration and express their hope and vision for the future. Obama has pledged to be everyone’s president and is soliciting your input, so please let your voices be heard and become a catalyst for change.

** Job Application
Turks in the U.S. are also encouraged to submit their interest in positions with Obama’s administration. Information about specific openings is not yet available. It is likely they will include positions for full- and/or part-time consultants with specific areas of expertise, knowledge and language skills. The website asks only for contact information and says applications will be emailed to those who express interest.

Turks possess language skills, knowledge and expertise that U.S. involvement in the Middle East requires, but has always lacked. This is another unique opportunity for Turks in the U.S. to get involved and make a difference. The website interest form indicates that applications from non-citizens with the right to work in the U.S. are also welcome.

Lobbying government can effectuate change, but a role in the incoming administration will provide an opportunity to be part of the group that decides what changes will occur. Please consider expressing an interest in working with the Obama administration, even if only as a consultant on specific issues.

If a large number of applications are submitted by Turkish Americans, it is likely that at least a few will find a seat at the decision-making table from which we have been missing for too long. This is your opportunity to sit in the corridors of government where decisions are made, please take advantage of it.

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