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LECTURE- Armenia in Old Maps and Old Armenian Maps, Rouben Galichian, Oct. 29

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American University of Armenia Extension Program


Armenia in Old Maps and Old Armenian Maps
Illustrated Talk in English by

Rouben Galichian

October 29, 18:30-20:00
AUA, 5th floor, Small Auditorium

Free Admission

The presentation is prepared to give the layman an idea how
non-Armenian mapmakers have shown Armenia in their maps, accompanied
by the images of the important maps. Some common misconceptions
generally used by many specialists regarding Armenia are also discussed.

Armenia has existed for millennia and this fact is well displayed on
the maps prepared by various mapmakers all over the world. The
earliest map showing Armenia is in fact the oldest World Map, a
Babylonian clay tablet displaying the known world and dating form the
6th century BC.

>From then on all major cartographers and mapmakers have shown Armenia
in their maps, notwithstanding the fact that at certain times Armenia
as an independent kingdom has not existed, but all that time the
territory where the Armenian people lived has been entitled Armenia.
Various maps of the Greek, Roman, early Christian, Latin, Assyrian and
Islamic maps come to prove this fact.

Samples of all these maps collected from major libraries and museums
of the world are displayed, followed by maps made by Armenian authors,
some of which are not well known.

Speaker: Rouben Galichian has been seriously studying geography and
cartography since 1970s. He is the author of three monographs:
Historic Maps of Armenia: The Cartographic Heritage” (I. B. Tauris,
London, 2004), “Armenia in World Cartography” (2005) and “Countries
South of the Caucasus in Medieval Maps: Armenia, Georgia and
Azerbaijan ” (2007). He represents the huge cartographical heritage
related to Armenia not only by books and articles but also by public
and speeches at different scientific conferences and by media
in the USA and in Europe.

About AUA Extension:

American University of Armenia Extension Department (AUA Extension)
serves as University’s principal interface with the community. At AUA
Extension we plan, design, develop and deliver a number of quality
courses to target certain sectors of government, academia, private
organizations and individuals to help them fulfill professional and/or
career goals through flexible and innovative adult and continuing
education and training programs. We offer a comprehensive English
Language Training Program
, a multitude of Computer Literacy and
Information Technology training and a number of Leadership, Business
and Entrepreneurial courses. Our mission is to foster individual,
organizational, and community growth and transformation, through
accessible, high-quality programs.  Our Vision is to become the
Education and Training Organization of choice to meet the changing
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