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McCain ‘doing fine’ despite polls

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McCain ‘doing fine’ despite polls

John McCain said running mate Sarah Palin was very experienced

Republican John McCain McCain has said his campaign to become the next US president is “doing fine” despite polls showing trailing his Democratic rival.

Speaking on the NBC’s Meet the Press nine days before the election, Mr McCain said he had closed the gap with Barack Obama in the past week.

“Those polls have consistently shown me much farther behind then we actually are,” he said. “We’re doing fine.”

The weekend has seen both rivals campaigning in Western US states.

Mr McCain was campaigning in Iowa and Ohio on Sunday, while Mr Obama was in Colorado.

An NBC poll for Iowa gave Mr Obama 51% voter support, with Mr McCain at 40%.

However, a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Sunday suggested a closer race overall, with Mr Obama only five percentage points ahead of Mr McCain’s 44%.

“We’ve closed in the last week and if we continue this close in the next week you’re going to be up very late on election night,” Mr McCain said from Iowa.

She’s a role model for millions and millions of Americans. She’s just what Washington needs
John McCain on Sarah Palin

“I choose to trust my senses as well as the polls, and the enthusiasm at almost all of our campaign events is at a higher level than I’ve ever seen.”

He added: “We’re very competitive here, and I’m very happy with where we are and I’m very proud of the campaign we’re running.”

With reports of infighting in the Republican camp, Mr McCain was asked if he wanted to defend his vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin.

“I don’t defend her – I praise her. She needs no defence.”

He also said the Alaskan governor had “more executive experience than [Democratic vice-presidential candidate] Senator [Joe] Biden and Senator Obama together.”

He went on: “She is a dynamic person with executive experience, leadership, reform. She’s exactly what Washington needs.

“She’s a role model for millions and millions of Americans. She’s just what Washington needs.”

The party has had to respond to revelations last week that $150,000 has been spent on Mrs Palin’s wardrobe since her September appointment.

“She lives a frugal life, she and her family are not wealthy, she and her family were thrust into this,” Mr McCain said, repeating that the clothes will be donated to charity.

Responding to the Obama team’s emphasis that he voted with President Bush 90% of the time, Mr McCain said both he and Mrs Palin were mavericks.

“Do we share a common philosophy of the Republican Party? Of course.

“But I’ve stood up against my party, not just President Bush but others, and I’ve got the scars to prove it.”

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