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The Moral of Yesterday’s Historic Market Rally

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More Crisis Ahead for Stocks… Yet, Investors in Exotic Currencies Are Poised for Quadruple-digit Profits from the Same Turmoil

Don’t Miss Out – FREE “Exotic” Webinar Shows You How To Cash In… Watch it Now

By John Ross Crooks The stock market made history yesterday.

As you may have heard, the Dow Jones industrial average posted its largest one-day increase ever. In fact, the index surged more than 900 points.

Perhaps you even heard this stock market correction has been deeper and sharper than any correction before it in history – including the 1929 crash.

Of course, you know what followed the 1929 crash.

So as the United States and the rest of the world take every effort in pushing through a recession and skirting a depression, there will be plenty of tough times still ahead. Some bright spots and market rallies will be mixed in.

But that’s all we’ll see for quite a while – just little spots.

Until a legitimate recovery pushes through the financial system, the global economy is set to majorly disappoint. That’s why we’re so excited about the opportunities available for catching major trends within the exotic currency universe.

We can’t be any more direct when we say that the foreign-exchange market was due for a major rebalance. And lucky for us, this rebalancing act is still in the beginning stages.

Capital flowing out of emerging markets is gaining serious momentum. The global economy is getting worse by the day. Demand for these markets is disappearing…all because the system of lending and borrowing has frozen up. A major recovery in confidence is the first and most important step in thawing out the credit markets. And that is key to jumpstarting global demand and shoring up the global economy.

Until then, we’re happy to play the U.S. dollar strength against currencies tied to budding economies whose promising development has hit some serious roadblocks. Over the past week, we’ve explained why the Czech koruna, the Polish zloty, the South African rand and the Thai baht have hit some serious roadblocks lately.

And it’s certainly not too late to profit from their recent troubles. The U.S. dollar, and ultimately the flow of assets out of emerging markets and into the United States, is experiencing a short respite. We anticipate this will hand us attractive opportunities to add to our current open positions.

We also plan to use this period to possibly jump into new and exciting exotic currency opportunities. Today, we’ll foreshadow two brand new opportunities… one in Turkey and the other just south of the Rio Grande.

Turkey: Another Victim In the Middle of Global Crisis

It seems that few countries of decent size are protected from global economic deterioration. Turkey is no different.

While they’ve taken measures in recent years from becoming too overleveraged or irresponsible with investment and economic decisions, the country can’t escape the fact that most the rest of the world acted irresponsibly.

What this means is that Turkey’s economy will suffer from the same capital flow dynamics and the same demand dynamics that have investors fleeing from most emerging markets.

Perhaps the crisis won’t impact Turkey as severely as others … and perhaps Turkey isn’t currently wrapped-up in political or geopolitical instability…but this wave of global financial crisis is washing over everyone.

And besides, the Turkish lira fits right into our “foreign-exchange rebalancing” theme. A look at a long-term chart of the lira indicates that major trend change might have begun.

Key Resistance Levels Say the Dollar Is Rising While the Lira Is About to Take a Fall

When the USD/TRL price bars are going up in this chart it indicates U.S. dollar appreciation. When the price bars are going down in this chart it indicates Turkish lira appreciation.

Let us be as clear as we can with our expectations:

The diagonal blue line tells us that the long period of Turkish lira appreciation is now over. And now the U.S. dollar is appreciating relative to the Turkish lira.

It’s worth noting that the price of the lira/dollar pair is breaking higher through the horizontal red line. The red line indicates that this pair is hitting a key resistance level. Not long after that, the price of USD/TRL tested another critical resistance level which you can see with the blue horizontal line above.

The red line has now become a key level of support and could become the launch pad for a new leg higher in USDTRL.

Considering the global backdrop, a rising U.S. dollar and a falling Turkish lira makes sense.

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Why 2000 “Big Game Hunters” Agree…
”Predictability Theory” Is The
Answer To Volatile Markets!

This past Monday, 2000 “Big Game Hunters” tuned into a ‘Live” webinar to learn the secrets of “predictability.”

A theory founded and advanced by Harvard and MIT economists…later perfected (and adapted) by Jack Crooks to the world of “exotic” currency trading. Using this unique strategy, 84 “Big Game Hunters” were able to average more than 1,000% per trade over the last 72 days – giving them the ability to turn every $1,000 into $62,500 (profit)…and every $5,000 into more than $312,000.

A “replay” of this webinar will be on our website for the Next 48-Hours ONLY – then the “profit vault” closes…don’t miss out.

Mexico: Crisis Picks Up South of the Border

As a side note, we’ve got the Mexican peso on our radar screens as well.

Mexico is more exposed to the weak U.S. economy than almost any other country.
Plus, Mexico’s reliance on crude oil trade is wreaking havoc on this country now that prices have plunged so sharply. And revenue coming into Mexico for its oil exports is no different. It has declined considerably.

Then there’s the unforgiving job market that could become worse should the migration trend into the U.S. reverse course. The government’s goal is to prevent civil unrest. But should the government’s plans to ward of the crisis’s effects fail, then the task may prove tougher than they currently expect.

The fact that the peso has fallen 10% versus the U.S. dollar in just the last two weeks tells us how sticky the economic situation is south of the border. But in that same light, it might not make sense to jump in against the peso just yet. Better opportunities at better prices will likely turn up.

In the meantime…

Discover Why 2000 “Big Game Hunters” Agree…
“Predictability Theory” Is The Key To Consistently,
Reliably (And Repeatedly) Average 1,000% Winners

Yesterday, 2000 “Big Game Hunters” tuned into a ‘Live’ webinar to learn the secrets of “predictability.”

A theory founded and advanced by Harvard and MIT economists…later perfected (and adapted) to the world of “exotic” currency trading. Using this ingenious strategy, 84 “Big Game Hunters” were able to average 1,041% per trade over the last 72 days (not bad, huh?) – totaling 6,250% gains in all.

You may learn this “Mammoth” hunting strategy for yourself, as long as you do so in the next 48 hours before the webinar (replay) goes offline.

Every once in a blue-moon, “opportunity” just seems to fall in your lap…the sad part is…most people blindly turn their back on it (which is where the cliché…”a day late, and a dollar short”…comes from).

The good news is…I’m writing you today…blatantly pointing out…and personally inviting you to take advantage of this UNBELIEVABLY generous (FREE) opportunity – specifically designed for “Big Game Hunters” – who are looking to consistently, reliably, and repeatedly capture three and four-digit winners – without worrying about market conditions, crashes, or whatever else.

It’s easy to “get lost” in the sea of investment opportunities, strategies, and fads…lost in the myriad of sophistication and complexity…even lost in the “paralyzing” propaganda of the media – but (if you choose) you do not have to.

Because the 84 (test subjects) who used the “Predictability Theory” to amass 6,250% gains in just 72 days – well, they didn’t possess any special qualities that you do not, they weren’t certifiable geniuses, nor did they come from money – but they did have the “courage” to get in the game!

This SPECIAL 53-minute webinar will ONLY be available for the next 48-Hours.

Now, If you’ve never traded currencies before, this likely is not for you, but for the person interested in hunting “financial” MAMMOTHS – then I can only encourage you NOT to turn your back on this “blue moon” opportunity…and implement these strategies for yourself, and your family.

You have 48-Hours (to watch this webinar) and make a decision.

Here’s your chance to escape the “volatile market” rut.

Trade Smart,

John Ross Crooks
Co-Editor, Exotic FX Alert

EDITOR’S NOTE: If there is one thing that is absolutely, abundantly, and inarguably clear about the most successful traders (i.e. “Big Game Hunters”) who hit one peak after another, beyond their own capabilities – is that they devour information, keep an open-mind, and are always seeking the BEST opportunity in any given market. Well, we know of NO other market (anywhere) where it’s possible to average more than a 1,000% per trade – other than in the world of “exotic” currencies (with Jack and J.R.). You’ve seen the PROOF, and now, I’m inviting you to experience it for yourself.


John Ross Crooks: Co-Editor of Exotic FX Alert and The Money Trader
Seizing Medium-Term Profit Opportunities.
John Ross Crooks III is a currency analyst and co-writer with his father, Jack Crooks. Every day, John Ross works side-by-side with Jack to sift through the news and market action of currencies all over the world. He assists Jack in mapping out his medium-term trading strategies in currency options and the spot market. With a typical trading time ranging from five days to three months, John Ross helps Jack give readers plenty of time to act and profit from his significant moves in the Forex market.
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