/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The McCain-Palin =ampaign issued a letter to the Armenian-American community. In the letter, =enator John McCain (R-AZ) wrote that he is “grateful for all of the contributions that Armenian-Americans have made to our wonderful =ountry,” and that he “greatly value[s] the opportunity to stand with the =rmenian-American community,” the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) told PanARMENIAN.Net.
Regardin= U..S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, the statement refrains from =eferring to the events of 1915-1923 as genocide, and instead employs a dictionary definition. McCain said, “It is fair to say that one of the greatest =ragedies of the 20th century, the brutal murder of as many as one and a half =illion Armenians under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, has also been one of =he most neglected. The suffering endured by the Armenian people during that =eriod represented the prologue to what has come to be known as humanity’s =loodiest century.” He added that “It is our responsibility to recognize those =ragic events and to ensure that our world never experiences the impact of =he bloody conflicts that so filled the 20th century.”
McCain also thanked =rmenia for her “support of coalition operations in Iraq and NATO peacekeeping =fforts in Kosovo.”