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Turkey Condemns Terrorist Attack In Syria

Middle east
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Published: 9/28/2008

ANKARA – Turkey condemned the terrorist attack staged near the Syrian capital of Damascus on Saturday.

Turkey, which saw terrorism a crime against humanity, harshly condemned the heinous attack in Syria, a Foreign Ministry statement said.

In the statement, the Ministry expressed Turkey’s wish that the assailants of the terrorist attack would be found as soon as possible.

Turkey also reaffirmed its support and contributions to maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East.

A car packed with explosives blew up near Damascus, killing 17 and wounding 14.

Also, Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent a condolence message to Syrian President Bashar al-Asad and condemned the terrorist attack.

In his message, Erdogan reiterated Turkey’s solidarity in the fight against terrorism.

Source:, 28/9/2008

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