Turkey, Europe, The military, and the secularists.

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Turkey and Greece were invited at the same time to join the Common Market, which later became the European Union (EU). Greece accepted the invitation and is now one of the states of the EU. Bulent Ecevit, a Social Democrat, was the Turkish Prime minister at that time. He declined, saying that “Turkey is not yet ready”. In more recent times other Turkish governments thought that they were ready and applied for membership. This time EU set unbelievable stumbling blocks before Turkey, conditions that were not asked from the other applicants. It was obvious that Europe had changed its mind about inviting Turkey. But for some inexplicable reason, Turkish governments did not want to see that.

E u r o p e´ s V i e w s:

Most of the EU states leaders have been officially supportive of Turkey´s membership application. Only Germany´s conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel wants that a partial membership be offered to Turkey. France´s Nicolas Sarkozy is also against granting full membership. But the European populations are generally opposed to full membership. Unofficially, Europe is dead set against Turkish membership but could not say so openly, diplomatically. In stead of saying “no” they put such conditions, so that Turkey says “no”.

Here are statements of top EU leaders, after they retired:

American Chronicle | Turkey, Europe, The military, and the secularists..

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