CONF./CFP- Society for Armenian Studies, UCLA, March 27-28, 2009

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Posted by: Hovann Simonian <[email protected]>

Call For Papers

Armenian Studies at a Threshold: Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of
the Society for Armenian Studies

An international conference organized by the Society for Armenian
Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, March 27-28, 2009
To mark the 35th anniversary of the Society for Armenian Studies
(SAS), the executive committee of the Society is organizing a special
academic conference titled “Armenian Studies at a Threshold:
Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Society for Armenian Studies.”

This multidisciplinary gathering will give the opportunity to SAS
members as well as other scholars from around the world to present
their latest research in the field of Armenian studies, along with
research from other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences
in which the case studies are related to themes affecting Armenia or
Armenians. The organizers hope that this conference will help break
new ground in Armenian studies in general and in some of its
sub-disciplines such as history, linguistics, literature, political
science, anthropology, sociology, economics, musicology, and so on.

Scholars who wish to present papers at the conference are requested to
submit a one-page proposal by December 1, 2008. The proposal should
include the title of the paper, a 300-word abstract, a brief
biography/institutional affiliation of the author(s), and contact details.

The committee invites proposals for panels organized around a
particular theme and for roundtable discussion sessions concentrating
on problems of theory and methodology in Armenian studies. Panels
should include three or four papers, and roundtable discussion
sessions should not exceed six participants. Abstracts of 500 words
for panels and roundtables should be submitted by December 1.

All proposals will be peer reviewed by an ad hoc committee of the SAS.
In case more proposals are received than the conference can
accommodate, priority will be given to SAS members who have recently
joined the organization, to young, forthcoming scholars, and to those
whose papers explore previously uncharted topics and/or breaking new
theoretical or methodological grounds in the field.

The deadline for drafts of accepted papers is March 1, 2009. The
organizers will circulate electronic versions of these drafts to other
participants before the opening of the conference. The maximum time
limit for the oral presentations is 20 minutes.

The Society for Armenian Studies has only limited funds to assist some
participants with travel and accommodation expenses. Hence, the
committee urges all presenters to apply for institutional or
organizational support. Those who have no means to obtain outside
assistance should submit to the conference organizers a request for
travel and accommodation assistance along with their proposal.

Proposals should be submitted by December 1, 2008, to the SAS Secretariat:

[email protected]

Society for Armenian Studies
Armenian Studies Program
California State University. Fresno
5245 N. Backer Avenue, PB 4
Fresno, California 93740-800

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