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How do Azerbaijani political scientists value Turkey’s recent initiatives for solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict?

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 [ 11 Sep 2008 16:02 ]

Baku. Elnur Mammadli–APA. “The Minsk Group says for years that Nagorno Karabakh problem is resolved, only details remain, but 17 years later it is clarified that there is no any agreement, it was imitation only. How we can believe that we will not lose another 17 years with Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s initiative”, said political scientist Vafa Guluzadeh in his interview to APA about his reaction to Turkey’s recent initiative for solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem. In his opinion Abdullah Gul said nothing concrete except common words. “Gul did not say that he talked with Sargsyan and Armenian troops would leave the occupied regions. There were no such talks. Therefore these ideas are only the words”.
Guluzadeh said the Minsk Group was not working and even if its composition changed it would give nothing to Azerbaijan. “There is one question. These lands will be liberated when Russia falls. It is only imitation to establish groups or to organize meetings in Paris, Brussels and other places”.

Political scientist Rustam Mammadov also said that Russia had a key of Nagorno Karabakh problem. “The foreign forces, who intend to interfere it face with Russia’s dissatisfaction and military force. Both Europe and the United States make step back before this force. It was observed during the Georgian events. I do not believe that Armenia will make steps toward the solution of the problem at Turkey’s direction, because Armenia directly connects with Russia. Armenia will do that what Russia orders”. Mammadov said Turkey also understood that and it made efforts to solve problems with Armenia only. The scientist said he did not expect the elimination of the Minsk Group, “because the countries represented in the Group tried to carry out their interests here”.

Political scientist, MP Aydin Mirzazadeh is dissatisfied with activity of OSCE MG and noted that it was impossible to establish the best group than it. MP supports Turkey’s mediation and added that Turkey’s mediation in MG would be good step.
“Co-chairs have been elected with agreement of the conflict parties. There is need for mediation of Turkey. Armenia has rejected it every time. If Armenia wants mediation of Turkey, Azerbaijan will agree to it. All efforts should be made to solve Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Political scientist Gabil Huseynli noted that withdrawal of Russia from OSCE MG was on the agenda today. To him, the US pursues policy in this direction.
“Turkey wants to substitute MG with Caucasus Platform. Though International actors, states defining world policy attach importance to the role of Turkey in the region, they will not allow official Ankara to enter OSCE MG. Change of format is real. If Azerbaijan insists on the issue, probably Turkey can enter the group”, he said. To him, Turkey’s mediation in MG will have considerable influence on the solution to the problem.

Political scientist, Head of Political Innovation and Technology Center Mubariz Ahmadoglu positively assessed Turkey’s initiatives for mediation. Moreover, he did not think that MG could be withdrawn from the process.
“The relations between the US and Russia are tense and I cannot imagine that their representatives will sit around the same table soon. I do not think that MG can be collapsed. The group will function inactively. It is understood in Turkey as well. I suppose to Turkey’s mediation seriously. Armenian side is not expected to agree to it”, he said.

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