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Explorer – Truva, Turkey – Searching for an Epic’s Origins

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HOW could we not visit Troy?

Sarah Collins for The New York Times

An international archaeological dig is exploring nine different cities in the Truva ruins, where tourists can see mysteries such as these stone foundations.

An international archaeological dig is exploring nine different cities in the Truva ruins, where tourists can see mysteries such as these stone foundations. It was a question that bedeviled us as we planned our first Turkish odyssey. Troy was nothing less than the storied destination for the armada of fast, trim ships that crossed the blind poet’s wine-dark sea. The place where the anger of Achilles drove him to slay Hector before dragging him about the palace walls. The very ground where the fleet-footed Achaeans plundered the hallowed towers of Ilium and reclaimed Helen of Sparta.

Or maybe not.

Archaeologists are still debating Troy’s very existence. Beyond this, some guidebooks — and several friends who had been to the Anatolian town of Truva at the supposed site of Troy — presented a disappointing, nay muddled, picture of what might await us.

Explorer – Truva, Turkey – Searching for an Epic’s Origins –

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