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Vice-President candidate of US Democratic Party, pro-Armenian Joseph Biden is one of the supporters of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act

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[ 25 Aug 2008 16:42 ]
Washington. Husniyya Hasanova – APA. In the early 90s Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Vice-President candidate of US Democratic Party Joseph Biden played an active role along with pro-Armenian senator Bob Dole in the adoption of Armenian Genocide Resolution and Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, which banned U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan.

APA’s US bureau reports that Joseph Biden is also the author of the resolution condemning the assassination of Hrant Dink in Turkey. Therefore, Armenian politicians call Joseph Biden a pro-Armenian politician.

But, Joseph Biden also supported the resolutions defending Azerbaijan’s interests. He gave full support to the Silk Road Strategy Act introduced by U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback in 1997. Joseph Biden makes severe statements against Russia and accuses Moscow of supporting separatist movements in the post-Soviet area. In his article published in the Financial Times last year he said Russia’s supporting separatism in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova was inadmissible.

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