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Nakhchivan: A People’s Heritage, A Pepople’s Pride And A Home Of Beauty

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By Nick Nwolisa, Source:

I visited the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan for the first time courtesy of an invitation from a dear friend – Elmira. I made the trip with my wife Lala and our 5 months old son Joel. It was to be my first time to this part of Azerbaijan and same for my wife. The journey of about 1 hour from Baku to Nakhchivan was a smooth fly; from an aerial view, it reveals how on a very fast rate the Azerbaijan capital Baku is developing with a great number of high rising buildings and good road networking. Descending from the plane on arrival in Nakhchivan, we were greeted with the purest serenity of athmosphere; my wife observed how very pure the atmospheric air felt in Nakhchivan as compared to the congested capital Baku.

To me Nakhchivan is one of the most beautiful spots in the Caucasus and to a larger extent on Earth. I have been to other regions of Azerbaijan, but whereas occupational related activities took me to these parts, my trip to Nakhchivan was based on relaxation. Of course Fuzuli, Tartar and the occupied Azerbaijan territories of Karabakh are all beautiful; however I will not fail to add that my perceptions for these different places are based on different perspectives. Among the things that fascinated me on this particular trip to Nakhchivan were the surroundings full of high mountains; the long stretches of low green lands; the people’s customs, traditions and general way of life; the valleys, vegetations, springs and pools; not forgetting the meals, natural diary consumption and fruits consumed directly from the gardens.

Nakhchivan has a strategic role in history. Besides that it is presently a place for Islam religious sojourners who visit the Ashabi Kahf, it is also a significant part of the Christian belief. After all, going by the ancient history, the Mount Aghri, that is just a stone throw from the hinter areas of Nakhchivan but presently located in today Turkey, Aghri is believed to be the place where Noah’s Ark had settled. In essence, a new phase of human origin is traceable to this part of the world and all mankind can lay claim to a root in this region.

A brief insight on Nakhchivan; the exclave has its capital as the Nakhchivan city. Other regions within the Autonomous Republic are: Babek, Julfa, Kangarli, Ordubad, Sadarek, Shahbuz and Sharur. Iran, Turkey, Armenia and the River Araz surround this Azerbaijan exclave on various sides. Another visible surrounding of the Nakhchivan exclave is the Caucasian mountains.

The Autonomous Republic is a very historical place in the history of Azerbaijan. Nakhchivan is the birth place of prominent sons and daughters of the larger Azerbaijan. The larger Azerbaijan in context means including the Northern Iranians who are Azerbaijanis by origin but are now part of the Iran based on an agreed treaty of 1828 (treaty of Turkmanchay – agreed between Russia and Iran after the Russo-Persian war). Among the prominent sons from the exclave include Memar Ajemi (world renowned builder of his generation), Koroghlu (a national warrior), Huseyn Javid (a poet and a national hero) and of course Heydar Aliyev (one of the 20th century greatest politician).

The majority of persons of this exclave are predominantly farmers and herdsmen. In the past, the hinterlands of Nakhchivan had been food basket of its surrounding settlements including the Armenia. Our host family in Nakhchivan, Baba who is a native of the Sharur region, had explained to me how during the peaceful coexistence between Azerbaijan and Armenia, he and many other farmers of his village were constantly transporting their farm produce to the Armenians. But after the Armenia invasion of the Azerbaijan territories, these practices are now a thing of history. Also Baba in own words had told me how the whole extent of the Sadarek and Sharur village has been a plantation of vines and grapes extending the whole length to Turkey in the West, Armenia to the South, to the River Aras and Iran to the North Central respectively. But these entire vineyards were destroyed during the Russia’s occupation of the Azerbaijan territory. At that time, Gorbachev who had characterized these as immoral to the communist beliefs had ordered the destruction.

The Nakhchivan land is rich with nutrients and very fertile for all types of crops; potatoes, tomatoes, apples, melons, corns, to mention a few, all these crops are all very productive on the Nakhchivan soil. Other than the food crops, Nakhchivan rear all sorts of animals; goats, sheep, cows, donkeys and horses. The Azerbaijan exclave is also very rich in minerals such as Salt and Molybdenum.

My trip provided to me the privilege to get a view of Momine Khatun – a 14th century monument built to symbolize love; the Zangazur Mountains – that separates the Armenia territories from Azerbaijan; the Araz River – that runs from Turkey going through Turkish-Armenian, Azerbaijan-Iranian border; the Mount Kapijik – the highest point of the Nakhchivan mountains, it is also believed to a spot upon where Noah’s Ark anchored for a while; the Ilandagh Mountain – translated as the snake mountain. Other places that were so fascinating to me include the Heydar Aliyev museum, the museum of Huseyn Javid, and the Nakhchivan main museum. More so, all over Nakhchivan, there is a gush of pure water; the territory is so blessed with spring water that a spring is found virtually on all corners of the republic.

Among the prominent places that I visited that will remain a life time memory was the Ashabi Kahf. The Ashabi Kahf is translated to be a cave for wishes. According to the story I was told, the cave was proclaimed as sacred based on outcome of the events of many centuries ago. Three friends who were fleeing from a cruel king hid in the cave for safety. According to the story, the event had occurred even before Christianity or any other religion was practiced. The three friends with the knowledge of a supreme being prayed to God for protection upon which God subjected them to a deep sleep. After many centuries had passed, the three men woke up from their slumber, in their process to relate with the community they discovered that they’ve been sleeping for up to three centuries. Legends have it that they were later transformed to pieces of stones in the Ashabi Kahf.

In Islam, the Ashabi Kahf was quoted in the words of the Quran (Qurani-Karim, Suretul-Kahf, 18). It was recognized as one of the holy places on Earth; no wonder I could observe so many foreigners who had come to make the holy trip to the Ashabi Kahf. Thanks to the present government of the Azerbaijan Republic, journey through the cave is made much easier with the erecting and renovation of the stair and walk ways. Also, the surroundings around the cave have been beautified. To my opinion, if this singular place is well harnessed, it can turn out to be an important Azerbaijan tourist destination for foreigners and consequently become a source of revenue generator for the government just as is practiced all around the globe, a common reference is Mecca of Saudi Arabia.

Besides the natural beauty, Nakhchivan main city is by far a very clean place and peaceful serene. Despite it bubbling with life, it’s free of what characterizes a big city such as traffic congestions, environmental pollutions and poor sanitation. According to my wife, the Nakhchivan city depicts a picture of modern day cities.

During my stay in Nakhchivan, I was trilled to learn a proud people way of life. The natives of Nakhchivan are so proud of their heritage. The pride is sometimes mistaken for arrogance but as proud persons, they firstly identify themselves as a citizen of Azerbaijan but never forgetting where their heritage lies. These characteristics of the natives of Nakhchivan has rubbed into their co-existence and further solidifying their brotherly fondness that is easily identified with them irrespective of which part of the world they presently settle at. Another lasting impression I had acquired from Nakhchivan is that there is a great value for the institution of family and the people’s customs and tradition are well preserved and passed on to the younger generation. This can also be a case that is peculiar with the entire Azerbaijanis. Just as the Nakhchivan natives are proud of their heritage, the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan will ever remain a reference of pride to the entire Azerbaijan Republic.

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