West is able to wait, or about nervousness among Dashnaks

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The Bureau of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation “Dashnaktsutun” has recently made a statement, calling the government of their country to raise the issue of signing a legal document on non-application of military force against Nagorno Karabakh.

“Armenian side should protect its national and state interests in the negotiation process more clearly and demand from the parties to sign a document on non-application of force”, says the statement.

The party noted that one of the main tasks for Armenia is the issue of ratification of the right of “Nagorno Karabakh people to determine their fate independently”. The announcement also says that the recent events around South Ossetia showed that “Azerbaijan’s attempt to settle the issue by force does not only lack prospects but can lead to unpredictable disasters in the region”. At the same time, the party bureau also considered the security of the Armenian-settled Samtse-Javakheti region of Georgia, which it regards as the issue of “ensuring rights of national minorities and autonomy”.

First of all, it should be noted that Samtse-Javakheti is not an autonomy and the desired should not set up for the reality in such hard days for Georgia. Second, we hope that there will not be an autonomy in that region, especially considered the frustrating historical lesson of how Armenians abuse the autonomy, offered to them, and demand more in the future. To those, who doubt, we recommend to visit the website of Samtse-Javakheti Armenians and pay attention to the tone of articles, published there.

Speaking on the “legally binding document” on the non-application of force, it is unclear, with whom Azerbaijan should sign it. With Nagorno Karabakh powers?

Well, but Nagorno Karabakh is not a subject of international law and UN Secretary General Pan Gui Mun will be surprised if he receives a document, signed by the “president” of a state, he does not have an idea of. Moreover, Nizami Bahmanov has nothing to worry about – Azerbaijan does not intend to attack his people.

Perhaps, with Armenia? It is even more interesting. How can one sign a treaty on non-application of force with a state, which invaded its  territory and does not even think to leave it? Let Armenia first withdraw its troops and then Azerbaijan will sign a treaty with it on mutual respect of sovereignty and non-application of force.

Well, whom should we sign the document with?

It seems that following the diplomatic disgrace and international isolation, which Russia deserved owing to its clumsy policy in such a vulnerable region as the Caucasus, Moscow’s footmen started to search a new place on the map of the world, in order to be too close to the disgraced Russia, on the one hand, and not to lose their unpopular idiot dreams of expanding their territories by means of their neighbors and by violating the principle of territorial integrity, on the other hand. The events of the past week showed that few have not voiced the phrase “respect for territorial integrity” at least once through those days.

In this connection, the nervousness among Dashnaks is quite understandable. They try to conceal the unpopular thesis and even the term of the national right for self-determination is unexpectedly replaced with the abstract “right to determine one’s fate independently”. At the same time, Dashnaks does not even recall (and do not dare to challenge) the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, in order to escape the possible criticism by the world society.

This week the whole world confirmed the supremacy of the territorial integrity! And any references to the whims of national minorities, residing in any territories, their having passports of other states and other arguments are not a legal ground for their separation from the state with the territory they reside in. According to famous analyst from German Marshall’s foundation Yorg Himmelreich, “Russia’s attack was a rude violation of the territorial sovereignty of Georgia and no Russian passports of Abkhaz and Ossetians can be a legal ground for such actions”. In his article in Spiegel newspaper, another German analyst Christian Haif informs of the consequences, threatening to the most capricious “rebelling” peoples, who do not want to hear anything about the territorial integrity. In particular, his vision of the resolution of the conflicts in Georgia lies in the resettlement of the Ossetians from Tkhinvali region to Russia and possible provision of an autonomy to Abkhazs within Georgia.

If the authors of the announcement of Dashnaktsutun’s bureau do not want their Karabakh relatives to share the same fate, which was, by the way, successfully probed in the Sudet oblast of Czechoslovakia, Krain province of Croatia and other places, instead of releasing such absurd statements, they should persuade their compatriots to stop hindering the process and accept what the world will oblige Moscow and its fifth columns in Georgia to accept (this also refers to Transdniestria and Nagorno Karabakh). They will not be able to go beyond an autonomy within Georgia (at the best).

When the world said clearly that the Kosovo model will not be applied anywhere else, Armenians hoped that it was a joke. That is why, they  deprived themselves of an oil pipeline, a gas pipeline and a railroad and many other things for they Moscow’s support. But at present Moscow does not know what to do with itself from disgrace. World’s position will never change, whatever Armenian diaspora does. The train has gone, bye-bye.

And Russia’s stubbornness will not rescue Ossetian and Abkhazs from returning back to Georgia. Whatever Russia does, West will have to wait until the government in Russia is replaced (either through another orange revolution or evolutionary), for the new pro-western Russian government to surrender its “dear” citizens, like Western Germany was once surrendered. West is able to wait.

And we will also wait for this moment to come.


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