Russia Occupies Georgia

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Georgia’s President Mikheil Saakashvili said at a session of National Security Council that the highway passing through Gori is taken under Russia control.

Saakashvili said that the army should struggle to the end. This is the attempt to destroy and occupy Georgia, he said.

The humanitarian and moral support from the international community is received, he said but Georgia needs more today.

“But we want them to stop these barbaric aggressors,” he said. “Our armed forces will carry out regrouping and we will protect and continue fighting for our future,”

Earlier Saakashvili addressed nation saying that the present events proved that it is a planned occupation and annexation of Georgia’s conflict regions and as a result of it the annexation of the whole Georgia.

The force entered Georgia is big, serious and is “a fatal threat to the Georgian statehood.”

The previous statements showed what was behind the Russian actions, he said.
“Yesterday and the day before yesterday official statements were made that the operation aimed at changing the Georgian authorities, changing Georgia’s course,” Said Saakashvili.

According to him it means Russia’s aims to end with Georgia’s independence.
“I want to say with full responsibility that we want to immediately end this military confrontation.” Said Saakashvili, “We want to end the war that we have not launched.”

Source: Georgia Today

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