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Turkey is 7th most terror hit country in the world

Istanbul Turkey
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71 terror incidents in Turkey

Turkey has been ranked seventh in the list of most hit countries by terror in the second quarter of 2008, according to a research released by the Center of Excellence – Defense Against Terrorism.
Seventy-one separate terrorists incidents, which killed 38 people and injured 88 others, put the Turkey on the seventh place of the most-hit countries in the second quarter of 2008, the article titled “General Overview of the Terrorist Activities (April-June 2008)”, said.

“The main suspect of these terrorist incidents was PKK/KONGRA-GEL terrorists. The most volatile city in this period was Sirnak in southeastern Turkey. Seventeen separate terrorist incidents killed 9 people and wounded 18 others in the city,” it said.

According to the article, 2,396 terrorist incidents occurred worldwide in the period. A total 4,204 people were killed and 7,614 were injured in these incidents.

Iraq topped the list of the most-hit countries with 857 separate attacks in which 1,575 people were killed and 3,247 others were injured.

Thirty-five percent of total attacks in the world, 37 percent of total fatalities and 42 percent of total casualties sustained worldwide were recorded in Iraq, it added.

First ten countries most hit by terrorism in the second quarter of the year are as follows:
Countries : Number of terror incidents
Iraq : 857
Afghanistan : 334
Sri Lanka : 327
Pakistan : 216
India : 195
Somalia : 112
Turkey : 71
Thailand : 55
Nepal : 44
Israel : 31

Photo: DHA

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