HFAC Hearing – Kongrede yapılan toplantı

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English Version Below

From vural c. [[email protected]]

Wexler ve ilgili konu hakkinda bir Turk anasindan mesaj

      Kongrede bugun yapilan toplanti
      Posted by: “Bennur Yegenoglu” 
      Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:21 am (PDT)
      Sevgili Arkadaslar,
      Aldigim bilgilere gore, bugun Kongre¢de cok rahatsiz edici bir toplanti yapilmis. Kongre¢nin Dis Iliskiler Komitesi¢nde bugun halka acik yapilan toplantida (hearing) ABD Disisleri Bakanligi Mustesarlarindan Dan Fried konusma yapmis ve Komite uyeleri kendisine sorular yoneltmis.
      Komitenin web sayfasinda sizlerin de gorebilecegi gibi, konu, Kafkaslardaki Donmus Krizler (Frozen Conflicts of the Caucasus) idi. Ancak, sanki konu bu degilmis gibi, toplanti adeta Turkiye aleyhine yapilan bir karalama kampanyasi toplantisina donusmus. Malum, Dis Iliskiler Komitesinin uyelerinin bircogu Ermeni diasporasinun yogun oldugu Kaliforniya eyaletinden. Ancak, Komite Baskani acilis konusmasinin daha ilk paragrafinda Gurcistan ve Ermenistan-Azerbeyc an arasi yasanan krizlere deginmektense, Turkiye¢nin Ermenistan ile olan sinirinin kapali olmasindan bahsetmis ve konunun detaylarina girmis.
      Burada bir parantez de acmamiz gerekiyor. Komite Baskani Berman cok yakin bir zamanda Turk hukumetinin cok ust duzey yetkilileriyle gorustugunu kendisi bugun toplantida dile getirmis (en son Sn. Babacan ile gorustu), ve Komite danismanlarinin Buyukelciligimizle cok yakin temasta olduklarini da biliyoruz. Hukumetimiz ve devletimiz tarafindan harcanilan bu kadar efora ragmen kendisinin konusmasinin daha ilk paragrafindan Turkiye¢ye karsi bir tavir almasi uzucu oldu.
      Toplantida Turkiye dostu olan uyeler de varmis, Kongre uyeleri Wexler (Florida) ve bizim eyaletimizi temsil eden Scott (Georgia) gibi. Ancak Turkiye karsiti uyelerin sesleri cok daha yuksek ve sert cikmis.
      Ermeni lobisinin ne kadar guclu oldugunu ve bizim daha ne kadar cok yol kat etmemiz gerektigini bu tip toplantilar yapildikca daha iyi anliyoruz.
      Toplantida dagitilan Mustesar Dan Fried¢in konusmasinin metnini, ve Komite Baskani Berman¢in acilis konusmalarini bu linklerde gorebilirsiniz.
      Ve bugun de her zamanki gibi ayni sonuca variyoruz. Onemli olan “constituent” dedigimiz bizlerin gibip Kongre uyelerimizi bu tip toplantilarda bizim lehimize konusmalarini tesvik etmek. Cunki sonucta Turkiye Cumhuriyeti yabanci bir devlet. Kongre uyelerini asil ilgilendiren kendi “district” lerinde yasayan vatandaslari. Bizim daha cok para toplamamiz, daha aktif olmamiz, daha cok mektup yazip gondermemiz, ve Kongre uyelerimizin yerel ofisleriyle daha yakin temasta olmamiz gerekiyor.
      Eminim bir cogunuz diyeceksiniz ki, “ama biz bunlari artik yapiyoruz.” Evet dogru, yapiyoruz, ama yeterli olmuyor — olmadigini bu tip “hearing” lerde daha iyi goruyoruz. Arkadaslar lutfen el ele verelim, ve daha aktif olalim.

——- English Version ——-

Washington, DC – On June 18, the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) held a hearing, “The Caucasus: Frozen Conflicts and Closed Borders”.  The HFAC Hearing was an opportunity for members to make comments and ask questions to Ambassador Dan Fried, Department of State Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, regarding the situation in the Caucasus.

The HFAC accepted the Statement of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) by President Nurten Ural concerning:

  a.. Armenia’s aggression against and violent occupation of Azerbaijan, massacres of thousands of Azeris, and displacement of over one million Azeri refugees from western to eastern Azerbaijan;
  b.. Armenia’s illegal blockade of the Nakchivan territory of Azerbaijan, as recently reported by Congressional Research Services;
  c.. Congressional Research Services’ report that Turkey’s closed borders with Armenia does not constitute to a blockade or embargo against Armenia;
  d.. Turkey’s efforts to normalize relations with Armenia, including facilitating trade transit, engaging in over $200 million in trade, accepting immigrant workers, providing of visitation visas at the Turkish-Armenian border entry ports, allowing two air corridors and over 100 flights per month roundtrip from Turkey to Armenia, proposing to establish a joint historic commission to study and rule on the events defining the Armenian Revolt and Insurgency (1880-1919) and 1915 Ottoman relocation of Armenians from the war zones.
Many of the HFAC Committee members who participated were from California and spoke to represent their Armenian constituents.  HFAC Chairman Berman, whose office had met with former ANCA Chairman Mourad Topalian, who was convicted of weapons and explosive charges that federal authorities connected to at least three incidents of Armenian terrorism, led the general attack on Turkey and the Turkish people.

Berman expressed that because since 1992 Armenia has demonstrated “resolve” on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, Turkey should give up its strategy of trying to change Armenia’s mind through a border blockade of Armenia.  He further expressed that because it costs $2000 extra per truck to transit from Turkey to Armenia through Georgia due to the closed land border, under such financial hardships, Armenia was forced to develop relations with Iran.

According to President-Elect Evinch, who attended the hearing, “Chairman Berman’s underlying position seems to endorse Armenia’s violent invasion and occupation of Azerbaijan under an absurd interpretation of the right of self-determination regarding Nagorno-Karabakh, an area one-third the size of Hawaii island and in the heart of Azerbaijan.  Berman forgives Armenia for developing an economic and military alliance with Iran, and blames Turkey’s border closing for Armenia’s irresponsible actions.”  Evinch continued, “This view caters to the interests of the Armenian American lobby, not the United States.”

Evinch added, “$2000 spent extra on transit per truck, is $2000 less Armenia can use for its military aggression against Azerbaijan.  If Armenia seeks to reduce the cost of its aggression by forging an alliance with Iran, it will have admitted that its “resolve” will be at the cost of Armenia’s integration with the West.  This policy caters to Armenian ultra-nationalists, not to Armenia’s best interest.

Some HFAC members accused Azerbaijan of preparing for a war with Armenia, based on statements made by the Azerbaijan President.  Evinch expressed, “What’s lost upon the California members of the HFAC is that Azerbaijan’s territory is occupied by Armenia, and Azerbaijan has one million internal refugees because of that.  It is the duty of the government of Azerbaijan to protect its citizens.  I would expect no less from the United States government if Florida were invaded and occupied by Cuba and one million refugees had fled to Washington, DC for protection.”

Some HFAC members, particularly California representatives Watson, Schiff, and Sherman, pressed Ambassador Fried on whether and why the United States does not define the Armenian case as genocide.  Watson stated that she represents many Armenians in her district, Hollywood, and demanded a “yes-or-no” response.  Ambassador Fried responded repeatedly that the United States “does not use the word”, as that would prejudice rapprochement efforts between Turkey and Armenia.

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