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California Republican Party unanimously passed the Genocide Resolution

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Resolution designating April 24th of each year a day of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide Sponsored by Albert Abkarian, Armenian American Republican Council

WHEREAS, the Turkish Ottoman Empire massacred one and one half million innocent Armenian men, women, and children from 1915 to 1923; and

WHEREAS, the Turkish massacre of Armenians was a crime against humanity and an affront to civilized nations everywhere; and

WHEREAS, despite overwhelming historical evidence, the present day Turkish government has denied and continues to deny the existence of the genocide committed against the Armenian People; and

WHEREAS, the California Republican Party is dedicated to the principal of justice for all people; and

WHEREAS, the many American’s of Armenian ancestry now living in California have asked for the Party to join them in condemning the Armenian Genocide, all genocides and acts of injustice against humanity;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The California Republican Party hereby condemns the atrocities committed against the Armenian people from 1915 to 1923; and

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Party hereby designates April 24th of each year as a day of remembrance in honor of the one and one-half million Armenian victims who died at the hands of the Turkish government.


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