Convinced that personalities who worked for understanding
and cooperation between nations and international peace
will be examples for future generations,
Recalling that the hundredth anniversaryof the birth of 
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish Republic,
will be celebrated in 1981,
Knowing that he was an exceptional reformer in all fields
relevant to the competence of UNESCO,
Recognizing in particular that he was the leader of the first
struggle given against colonialism and imperialism,
Recalling that he was the remarkable promoter of the sense
of understanding between peoples and durable peace between
the nations of the world and that he worked all his life for the 
development of harmony and cooperation between peoples
without distinction of color, religion and race,
It is decided that UNESCO should colloborate in 1981 with 
the Turkish Government on both intellectual and technical plans
for an international colloquium with the aim of acquainting the
world with the various aspects of the personality and deeds of
Atatürk whose objective was to promote world peace, 
international understanding and respect for human rights.
